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part of the County's obligation to enforce State law. <br />Actual computation of applicable costs hereunder shall be made by the 2amsey <br />County Budget and Accounting office based on information provided by the <br />Sheriff and payment therefor shall be made by the municipality on the County's <br />monthly statement. <br />An estimate of said costs for 1983 , and for succeeding years in the event <br />this agreement is extended, shall be furnished by the County to the municipality <br />no less than one month prior to the commencement of the contract tern. Said <br />estimate shall be made for the limited purpose of better enabling the <br />municipality to estimate its budget. It is understood by the parties to this <br />agreement that said estimates shall in no way prevent the County from charging <br />its actual costs. <br />8. It is understood that prosecutions for violations of ordinance <br />or state statute, together with disposition of all fines collected pursuant <br />thereto, shall be in accordance with the Ramsey County Municipal Court Act, <br />Minnesota Statute, Chapter 488A. <br />9. The Ramsey County Sheriff's office shall submit to the municipality <br />monthly activity reports detailing the activities of the Sheriff's office <br />within the City. Said reports shall contain at least the following information: <br />"files patrolled, hours patrolled, number of calls answered, number of tickets <br />issued. <br />-4- <br />