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AGENDA <br />LITTLE CANADA CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />- 7 -28 -82 <br />CONTINUED <br />COUNCIL LEGISLATIVE MATTERS <br />ADMINISTRATION <br />MR. FAHEY <br />30. Conveyance of tax forfeited property <br />Letter of intend see correspondence <br />PARCEL- 53- 00600 - 010 -87 <br />Parcel is park of Savage Lake <br />Motion to authorize the sale <br />Motion to acquire property <br />Motion by 2nd by <br />page -77- <br />see correspondence page -78 -) <br />See correspondence page -79- map) <br />ayes Nayes <br />PARCEL 53- 54200 - 280 -00 ( see correspondence page -80 -) <br />Parcel is a former " Cart Trail " ( see correspondence page -81 -map) <br />note the city also has tract - "B" the parcel can be used for alley <br />Motion to authorize the sale of the parcel <br />Motion to acquire the property <br />Motion byA� _ 2nd by ayes Nayes <br />PARCEL 53- 54200 - 330 -00 ( see correspondence page -82) <br />Parcel has san. swr. line next to it or on it. ( see correspondence page -83 -map) <br />Motion to authorize the sale <br />Motion to acquire the parcel <br />Motion by 2nd by Ayes Nayes <br />PARCEL 53- 54200- 340 -00 ( see correspondence page -84) <br />Parcel next to ditch -16 -and North Star "Tailor park ( see correspondence page -85 map) <br />Motion to authorize sale <br />Motion to acquire property <br />Motion by 2nd by Ayes Nayes <br />31 Other. <br />32. Motion to approve vouchers Motion by 2nd by <br />33 Motion to adjourn: motion • by 2nd by <br />Time adjourned <br />Page -9- <br />ayes Nays <br />ayes Nays <br />