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the Exchange Property. This may be accomplished <br />by a simultaneous closing. <br />(d) This paragraph 3 shall survive closing of the <br />Contract for Deed. <br />4. Title. Within a reasonable time after execution <br />and delivery of this Agreement, Seller shall cause to be deli- <br />vered to Purchaser Abstract(s) of Title or Registered Property <br />Abstract(s) covering all of the Property, certified to date to <br />include proper searches covering bankruptcies, State and Federal <br />judgments and liens, and including a search with respect to <br />levied and pending special assessments. Purchaser will be <br />allowed ten (10) days after receipt thereof for examination of <br />said Abstract(s) of Title or Registered Property Abstract(s) and <br />for making any objections to the marketability of the title to <br />the Property, said objections to be made by written notice or <br />deemed to be waived. If any objections are so made to the <br />marketability of the title to the Property, Seller shall, within <br />ninety (90) days after the making of such objections by Pur- <br />chaser, diligently endeavor to cure such objections and to make <br />the title to the Property good and marketable of record in Seller <br />provided, however, Seller shall have no obligation to spend any <br />money in connection thereof unless Seller elects to do so in its <br />sole discretion. <br />Pending the correction of the title, the closing date <br />and the payments hereunder required shall be postponed, but upon ' <br />correction of the title and within ten (10) days after written <br />notice of such correction given by Seller to Purchaser, Seller <br />and Purchaser shall perform this Agreement according to its <br />terms. <br />If the title to the Property, as evidenced by the <br />Abstract(s) of Title or Registered Property Abstract(s), is not <br />good and marketable of record in Seller and is not made so within <br />ninety (90) days after the date of making written objections <br />thereto, Purchaser may either: <br />