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ORDINANCE NO. <br />193 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 922.010. C. 4. <br />OF THE ZONING CODE OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE <br />OF THE CITY OF LITTLE CANADA. <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF LITTLE CANADA HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. <br />Section 922.010. C. 4. of the Zoning Code of the Municipal <br />Code of the City of Little Canada is hereby amended to read as <br />follows: <br />922.010. C 4. Should the City Council find that the conditions <br />outlined heretofore apply to the proposed lot <br />or parcel, the Council may grant a variance from <br />the strict application of this Ordinance so <br />as to relieve such difficulties or hardships <br />to the degree considered reasonable, provided <br />such relief may be granted without impairing <br />the intent of this Zoning Ordinance. If the <br />City Council refers an application for a vari- <br />ance to the Planning Commission, the Planning <br />Commission, based upon a report and recommenda- <br />tion by the City staff, shall have the power <br />to advise and recommend such conditions <br />related to the variance regarding the loca- <br />tion, character and other features of the <br />proposed building, structure or use as it may <br />deem advisable in the interest of the intent <br />and purpose of this Ordinance. <br />Section 2. <br />This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after <br />its passage and publication. <br />Passed by the Council of the <br />City of Little Canada this <br />day of , 1982. <br />ATTEST: <br />Joseph G. Chlebeck, Clerk <br />Raymond Hanson, Mayor <br />Ayes - <br />Nays - <br />