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ORDINANCE NO. ORD. 302 _ <br />AN ORDINANCE ADDING SECTION 701.170 AND AMENDING <br />SECTION 703.070(8) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE <br />CITY OF LITTLE CANADA, PROHIBITING BLACK JACK TABLES <br />AND OTHER GAMBLING DEVICES IN NON - INTOXICATING <br />AND INTOXICATING LIQUOR ESTABLISHMENTS <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF LITTLE CANADA HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1 <br />Section 701 of the Municipal Code of the City of Little <br />Canada is added as follows: <br />701.170. GAMBLING DEVICES PROHIBITED. It shall be <br />unlawful for any person duly licensed to sell non- intoxicating <br />malt liquor to keep, possess or operate or permit the keeping, <br />possession or operation of, on any licensed premises, any slot <br />machine, dice, black jack table, or any gambling device or <br />apparatus, whether or not said devices are being used in <br />violation of M.S. 609.755 or 609.76, and it shall be unlawful <br />for any licensee to permit any gambling on licensed premises. <br />This Section shall not preclude lawful gambling pursuant to M.S. <br />349 nor shall it preclude the possession of properly licensed <br />and registered gambling equipment as defined in M.S. 349.12, <br />Subd. 15. <br />Section 2 <br />Section 703.070(8) of the Municipal Code of the City of <br />Little Canada is hereby amended to read as follows: <br />703.070(8) No licensee shall keep, possess or operate or <br />permit the keeping, possession or operation of, on any licensed <br />premises, or in any room adjoining the licenses premises, any <br />slot machine, dice, black jack table, or any gambling device or <br />apparatus, whether or not said devices are being used in <br />violation of M.S. 609.755 or 609.76, and no licensee shall <br />permit any gambling on licensed premises. This Section shall <br />not preclude lawful gambling pursuant to M.S. 349 nor shall it <br />preclude the possession of properly licensed and registered <br />gambling equipment as defined in M.S. 349.12, Subd. 15. No <br />licensee shall permit the licensed premises or any room therein <br />or any room in any adjoining building, directly or indirectly <br />under his control, to be used as a resort for prostitutes or <br />other disorderly persons. <br />Page 35 <br />