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DIVISION OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL <br />MARKET HOUSE <br />269 EAST 5TH STREET <br />ST. PAUL MINNESOTA 55101 <br />TELEPHONE: (612) 296-7641 <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY <br />• .. T tT'Fr7C"IONS <br />FIRE CODE VARIANCE REQUESTS <br />These procedures are to be followed <br />requirements of the Minnesota Unifo <br />established under Minnesota Statute <br />when requesting a variance from specific <br />rrn Fire Code. The procedure was <br />299F.011, Suod. 5. <br />ing a variance, the following basic requirements mist be fret. <br />When requesting variance, <br />party must show: <br />A. Substantial compliance with the ?rovsions of the fire code. <br />B. The safety of the public and building occupants will not be <br />jeopardized. <br />C. Undue hardship will result to the requesting party unless the <br />variance is granted. <br />re ,e <br />followi-to S_°nc must he taker to amply for <br />a variance: <br />The <br />1. Submit 1 = - -° to the local governing body requesting a variance to <br />the order issued by the state or local fire inspector. (he local <br />governing body would the city courcil, county board, board of <br />supervisors or town board in the area where the orders were issued.) <br />7n Vour request, stating how you ireet the requirements <br />outlined in items A, 3, and C. above. <br />The local governing body may move to endorse the variance, dery or <br />tmel -r the gar__..._, or c -- - tne matter <br />to the Sate Marshal. <br />In the event that there is any question or delay in obtaining action <br />from the local governing n•• bOqy, please ease wnt aqt <br />the inspector who <br />originally issued the orders. <br />?_, ,a it is ut to vflU to present your case to the local <br />governing body. <br />Page 15 <br />AN E•OUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER <br />