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Page 5 <br />Organized Collection <br />October 14, 1988 <br />3. Present Open Hauling System: Open hauling means each <br />homeowner arranges with a hauler of choice for waste pick <br />up and is billed directly by that hauler. This system does <br />not ordinarily include recycling or composting services. <br />Some haulers now offer volume based and senior citizens <br />fees. <br />The open hauling system in its current form is legal only <br />if materials are taken to the Ramsey County /NSP Refuse <br />Derived Fuel Plant (RDF) in Newport. Haulers who currently <br />use landfills directly are in violation of the statute and <br />liable for prosecution. Each City must offer some <br />recycling service to its residents, therefore, the <br />materials collected by haulers should be reduced in volume <br />by 7.5% in 1988, 10% in 1990, etc. until we have abated 16% <br />by 1992. The City of Little Canada is required to give <br />documented proof that we are meeting the abatement goals. <br />This can only be done with the cooperation of the haulers <br />and requires them to maintain accurate books. Some haulers <br />are either unwilling or unable to comply with these <br />requirements and prefer to continue to do things the "old" <br />way. It is impractical to expect private homeowners to get <br />involved with these conditions and it is up to the <br />municipality to take the responsibility for negotiating <br />with reliable contractors. <br />Haulers would be required to pick up recyclables and <br />dispose of them at County designated sites and to pick up <br />seasonal yard waste and dispose of them at our compost <br />site. <br />These services may be subcontracted to other companies, but <br />if one of the objectives is to reduce the number of <br />vehicles on the streets, we must consider this option <br />carefully. <br />According to 1987 Waste Management Legislation, Ramsey <br />County is authorized to require its Cities to organize <br />garbage collection. At the present time, the County is <br />providing technical assistance to Cities to help them plan <br />an efficient refuse collection system with economic <br />incentives to residents for composting and recycling. as <br />part of the Ramsey County Recycling Implementation Progress <br />Report just released, the County staff is recommending that <br />"garbage haulers agree as part of an organized collection <br />contract to enforce mandatory source separation ordinance <br />if one is enacted." County staff is currently working on <br />such an ordinance. <br />Page 5 <br />