<br />tfir
<br />Cont1emon:
<br />r( lulir 'U; lra`ili. ",(1(j
<br />inic.rnal,(3,evenue Service
<br />NOV 20
<br />$
<br />hll r- t17- 72-{04
<br />A r FI 2111 (tai)
<br />,01 t1 r i For A Pcttor Fnviron, nt
<br />2541 North Clark Street
<br />Chicnra, I111n:,te 6061)r
<br />Based on Information t:ula,li,::;, „rrl .,.: mini., your op.,rntrons will he as stated
<br />In your application for rocoj•,n:1.13:; oI r:<u;:l:t Ie:i; wn h.tvir doter-mined you are
<br />exempt from Fodoral Incom.n 1:1.4 ur.'i<r nectton h01(c)(3) of IL' Internal Revenue Codo.
<br />We have further dutorn;ined you are not a private foundation within tho mean-
<br />" Ing of section 500(a) of tho Curio, ht,uau:"o you are an orj;:tn;:.ation described In
<br />eootion 170(b)(1)(A)(v1),
<br />You are not llabil, for .; 1,;i ,. :rit.v (FICA) lr,xcs uni,'As you file a waiver
<br />of exemption cor'tlficrito .u: pr:•v! I::.i`' <.i; tho tt,ceral insurance Contributions Act.
<br />Yoi are not liable for too ta;:u, .r.;..>.,..I iH.dor the F,dural Unnmploy, cent Tax Act
<br />(FUTA).
<br />.Since you aro net o prlv•.t flea ::iorlon, you aro not suh,lnct to the excise.
<br />taxos under Chapter •2 of the ilov.uvor, ��t,i . 11. ;101 automatically L'xo.apt from
<br />other Fodoral excise ta.xcs.
<br />Donors may deduct contr:l'li;!,.1.1 l a.; y.:.v:derl to section 170 of the
<br />Codo. Bequests, i u j 3 a c l o ' ; , d , . : i 1 . : , : to you or for your use aro
<br />deductible for Fadorai uc;l:lle oa !;'t . I.•;:1 i::: raider :uclions 20:15, 2100,
<br />and 2522 of the Codo.
<br />If your purposos, cr: ;:rector, r: It:10d or Y;,lr;lt:CsI is rhrutr,ed, you must Int
<br />us know bO WO can Consider the nfj„ u( t0,, r';,inl•n ;,:I y,Cllr rye::j,l. !;t:ltu?.
<br />y011 tAust inform 0.`7 of all chonj'i:'S 1!1 ,`j:lor ;tattle of ;I'I'Irnss.
<br />If your gross rocu:pts each '; /Pt: „ru t,orr.tlly pore than S5.000, you are re-
<br />lutred to fiio Form 991), 0elurn ef 5 - anl:'.,tics 0x-..p1 Elrod :eceme Tax, i.1' the
<br />t5th day of tho fifth mo:tth nftor tL,. i'i;,l of your .i::t,ual ac.,:•nntlinr, period. The
<br />law imposes a penalty of 510 a day, :.p in .1 :xu;.u::; or 5.003, for failure to file
<br />1 roturn on Limo.
<br />You are not rooni roll to fll,.. 1-5 :nye: I;;tc:^.1• fax i'ntllrn:; unless you aro ';Lob_
<br />loot to the tax on unrol.ttoli 1M.II:' s I0(5 :55 tu:<lur nc.:lien 511 of the Codo. If
<br />rou aro subject to this tax, you r;u:.l 1115 , omo tax roturn on Form 990 -T In
<br />hie lottor we aro not :Iutor.r•,li;•.:,r. '•thut1,(';' :ny of your [resent or proposed activi-
<br />:lon aro unrolatod trod,' or 1..l :;liar,';'; :t:, :0) irte<l in nocticn 513 of tho Codo.
<br />You nood nn omplc,yor IdonLIfirt1.Ict: aumlnir even If you have no omployees. if
<br />In employer idontlficntic❑ '.,.or not. nntored no your application. n numbor
<br />rill be assigned to you and ynu will i;n e.Ivj:;n I of it Plea:,'' u:)o that numbor on
<br />ill returns you filo and In all corro;j,0ndu:tco with the 10tornal Rovonuo Sorvico.
<br />Pleaae hoop this determination totter In your permanent racords.
<br />oat Irnwrc tco W. Schad
<br />Page 12
<br />stncnrnly yours.
<br />nl dtr�l0
<br />Charlfv1 F MIrlani
<br />U1:ilrlat. ill rn<' ur
<br />Acute;
<br />t--
<br />Ferro 1 -178 (Rev. 7 -71)
<br />