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Bust2et Line No. Item & Deseri tp ion Amount <br />30 Copying/Printing 4,000 <br />Photocopying expenses, brochure printing, newsletters, and annual report. <br />31 Postage 2,000 <br />District postage expenses. <br />32 Accounting 0 <br />Monthly accounting services are now provided by the Administrator. <br />33 Office Equipment 1,000 <br />To fund acquisition of necessary office equipment for the Administrator. <br />34 Waterway Maintenance 8,000 <br />Minor repair expenses on county ditches and Battle Creek. <br />36 Purple Loosestrife Control Fund 5,000 <br />To provide an initial fund for the extermination of Loosestrife infestations and <br />control the spread of the plant within the District. <br />37 Highwood Wetland Protection Plan 15,000 <br />Includes funds for the preparation of a plan for the management of the water resources of the <br />Highwood area of St. Paul and southern Maplewood <br />38 Wetland Evaluation Study <br />Provides for the preparation of an evaluation and analysis of District wetlands to <br />identify their stormwater retention, water quality, and wildlife habitat benefits, and <br />determine if these resources could be removed for urban development. <br />39 Protect Start -up Fund & Reserve <br />Provides funds to allow District to intiate urgectly needed studies and projects that are <br />not currently budgeted The District intends to build -up this fund to a level adequate <br />to meet the emergency needs of the District for projects and maintenance. <br />Page 12 <br />25,000 <br />20,000 <br />7/10/89 <br />