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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />October 12, 1989 <br />Pierce pointed out that the area is surrounded with <br />high density development, and the decision has already <br />been made to develop single - family homes behind the <br />commercial center. The only issue being considered <br />this evening is the rezoning of the back portion of the <br />County Road C properties. Pierce pointed out that the <br />property owners have stated their positions, believing <br />that the rezoning would down value their property. The <br />density issue has already been resolved. <br />Krienke asked about road assessments if the property <br />remained commercial. <br />The Planner replied the lots would still be assessed <br />for the road if they remained commercial, with the <br />amount of the assessment being the same since the <br />assessment was calculated on a per lot basis. However, <br />if the lots were assessed, the City could not deny <br />access to the road by the commercial lots, since the <br />assessment would mean that the City is assuming that <br />the property benefits by the road. <br />Boosalis pointed out that in order to get the <br />assessments down to $13,000 per lot, a certain <br />build -out rate is necessary for the residential area. <br />Boosalis suggested that if there is B -3 property <br />abutting the residential street, the build -out rate for <br />that street will be greated reduced. <br />Boosalis again pointed out that he would have been <br />happy to construct just the commercial portion of the <br />development, however, the City Council required that <br />the back portion of the property be developed as well <br />and it was the Iona Lane residents who said no to <br />multi - family housing in that area. <br />Pierce stated that he was opposed to the rezoning at <br />this time. Krienke was also opposed. <br />Boosalis again stated that not to rezone will slow the <br />increment down and adversely effect the project. <br />Mr. DeLonais recommended that the rezoning of 89, 83, <br />77, and 73 West County Road C from B -3 to R -1 be denied <br />due to the opposition of three of the four property <br />owners to the rezoning at this time. <br />Motion seconded by Costa. <br />Page 16 <br />