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B. Hearings. Upon filing with the Zoning Administrator an <br />application for a conditional use permit, the Zoning <br />Administrator shall submit by mail to the Commissioner <br />of Natural Resources a copy of the application for <br />proposed conditional use sufficiently in advance so <br />that the Commissioner will receive at least ten (10) <br />days notice of the hearing. A copy of all decisions <br />granting conditional use permits shall be forwarded by <br />mail to the Commissioner of Natural. Resources within <br />ten (10) days of such action. <br />C. Information Required. Upon receipt of an application <br />for a Conditional Use Permit for a use within the <br />Floodplain District, the applicant shall be required to <br />furnish such of the following information as is deemed <br />necessary for the determination of the regulatory flood <br />protection elevation and whether the proposed use is in <br />the floodway or the flood fringe. <br />1. A typical valley cross - section showing the channel <br />of the watercourse, elevation of land areas <br />adjoining each side of the channel, cross - <br />sectional areas to be occupied by the proposed <br />development and high water information. <br />2. Plan (surface view) showing the nature, locations, <br />dimensions, and elevation of the lot, contours of <br />the ground, fill; storage of materials; flood - <br />proofing measures; the arrangement of all proposed <br />and existing structures on the site; locations and <br />elevations of streets; existing land uses and <br />vegetation upstream and downstream; soil type, and <br />the relationship of the above to the location of <br />the channel. <br />3. Profile showing the slope of the bottom of the <br />channel or flow line of the stream for at least <br />five hundred (500) feet in either direction from <br />the proposed development. <br />D. Factors Upon Which the Decision of the City Council <br />Shall be Based. In passing upon conditional use <br />applications, the City Council shall consider all <br />relevant factors specified in other sections of this <br />Ordinance, and: <br />1. The danger to life and property due to increased <br />flood heights or velocities caused by <br />encroachments. <br />2. The danger that materials may be swept onto other <br />lands or downstream to the injury of others or <br />they may block bridges, culverts or other <br />hydraulic structures. <br />Page 48 <br />