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Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. <br />C j U R B A N P L A N N I N G • D E S I G N • M A R K E T R E S E A R C H <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Little Canada Planning Commission <br />FROM: Stephen Grittman <br />DATE: 5 August 1991 <br />RE: Little Canada - Outside Sales /Display <br />FILE NO: 758.09 - 91.20 <br />There have been concerns raised over the City's regulation of <br />outside sales and display. The Zoning Ordinance allows such <br />activities in B -2 and B -3 Districts by Conditional Use Permit. <br />However, several local retailers have begun to display certain <br />goods outside of their establishments. This issue is being <br />brought as a discussion item prior to formulating any Ordinance <br />amendments. <br />In general, ordinances which regulate outdoor sales or display <br />are set up to be somewhat burdensome in order to discourage the <br />activity. This is because such sales areas do not add Lo the tax <br />revenue of the property, but may increase public service <br />requirements, e.g. police calls for shoplifting. In addition, <br />outdoor sales and display areas typically require controls to <br />avoid blocking or cluttering visibility of the building, <br />encroaching on sidewalk space planned for pedestrian circulation <br />or traffic hazards slating to sudden stops or intersection <br />visibility. <br />The other issue which bears on the City's consideration of <br />outdoor sales is the permanence or transience of the use. The <br />former case is typified by convenience gas /grocery facilities <br />which store or display motor oil or other similar items near the <br />pump islands or on the sidewalk. Our feeling is that since these <br />uses must be approved through the conditional use process, the <br />outside sales /display should either be a part of their approval <br />or if added later, should be evaluated as an amendment to the <br />original CUP. Therefore, the process is no more burdensome than <br />anything else they may want to do to their property. However, <br />it would be possible to add a section in the General Provisions <br />of the Ordinance which regulated the activity, but avoided the <br />CUP process for those uses which are permitted themselves. <br />5775 Wayzata Blvd. • Suite 555 • St. Louis Park, MN 55416 • (612) 595- 9636•Fax. 595 -9837 <br />Page 55 <br />