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OUTDOOR SALES & DISPLAYS <br />ROSEVILLE - Two categories <br />Administrative permit for temporary sales and displays - up to an <br />8 day maximum. Issues by Staff. <br />Permanent special use permit that requires public hearing. City <br />requires that certain conditions and standards are met. They <br />went to the SUP process because when outdoor sales and displays <br />were a permitted use it became an enforcement headache. <br />MAPLEWOOD - Two categories <br />Temporary Vendors License issued by staff. <br />Permanent Conditional Use Permit that requires public hearing. <br />However, they "overlook" situations where there are a few cases <br />of pop or other merchandise outside. In commercial districts <br />they expect to see some of this outdoor storage. <br />VADNAIS HEIGHTS <br />Temporary Vendors License issued by staff. <br />In retail zones a certain amount of outdoor sales and displays <br />is allowed as a permitted use. The ordinance sets the specific <br />amount. Anything beyond that amount requires a Special Use Permit, <br />which requires a public hearing. <br />SHOREVIEW <br />No license required of temporary vendors. These vendors cannot be <br />located in the right -of -way, and must have the permission of the <br />property owner for use of property. <br />Outdoor sales and displays permitted use in commercial areas, excepting <br />produce. <br />Page 57 <br />