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F. Water delivered to the City shall be measured by a master <br />meter or meters furnished, installed and maintained by <br />the Board at its own cost and expense at such locations <br />as agreed upon by the City and the Board. Such meters <br />shall be housed in a facility constructed by the City <br />subject to approval of the Board. Such meters shall be <br />tested annually by the Board and test results shall be <br />provided to the City. Advance notification of the testing <br />date shall be given to the City and a City representative <br />may witness the testing if the City so desires. The City <br />may hire an independent contractor at the City's expense <br />to verify test results. A copy of the independent con- <br />tractor's findings shall be furnished to the Board. Any <br />City -owned pipe, fittings, meter, etc. removed by the <br />Board during meter installation, repair or removal shall <br />be returned to the City. <br />2) Effective date of Amendments <br />The date of making and entering into this Amendment to the September 14, <br />1970 Agreement and the date of execution thereof shall be the date when the <br />Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services of the City of <br />Saint Paul countersigns this Second Amendment to Agreement. <br />This Second Amendment to Agreement shall not be binding until the same <br />has been accepted by resolutions of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City <br />of Saint Paul, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul and the City Council of <br />the City of Little Canada. <br />- 2 - <br />Page 63 <br />