Z; _
<br />en1astm aficenbohaE , the lessor must be legal ownerof the property:1;4 : : -
<br />penla -,t6•1_1" - 4.$
<br />7 • •The owner Of the property or the lessor may not manage gambling at the piem •
<br />• •• 7-777::::77-77 ;52:-Lj A■14.7ri ' " "Air." • "
<br />.- • The lessor of the premises, his or her immediate family,_and any agents or empbyees of the lesseerrlaynot2j_.,::.
<br />paxtcpate as players in the conduct of lawful gambling on the leased spremisestc±rte-arl
<br />--I" A ,The tesso' f and Itiiressee do-hothave idIrectOrirrdirect finanthaitiiterast in the Oistntaition or manufacture .•
<br />: :-...- • of gambling equipment- „rm.,.,,,.,..w . ,,,:i
<br />-, i•....•Jhe,lassor of the premises will allow the Board or agents of the BoarchthixdOmmissioner of Public Safety or: , '.- • -1''.4i.••:44.'
<br />Y :regains of the commissioner; or the Commissioner of Revenue or agentsof the commissioner, and law . - --f.:•, . I:7547 "
<br />.
<br />enforcement personnel to inspect the premises at any reasonable time,- and permit the organization to
<br />' ••-• 2.7/ 1:ronduct lawful gambling at the premises according to the terms of this lease. The lessor may not impose any
<br />'-'• '• ilihditions on the organization regarding distributors of gambling equipment services, or the use of profrts.
<br />•,Theorganization must obtain an organization license, gambling manager license and a premises permit from the
<br />Gambling Control Board4The organiiationiaill ba:responsble forcomplyingwith.the laws and rules of lawful
<br />mbling471 J. :::;7'."trcg4.!°.AA'ai:...-1!31,:;tAj: :7;*5-.;',..'"' 71;447: r;V'.1:. -,,.. 7'5 ..'l?.....tttil. r -;:?...-7='ZIF
<br />. • .:..,%:;..•=s;tari• r::',:: s :. ": - ..1.': : '. .. - ! .r.,-; r , -,.. -..::7 4".:;,...-.• ,,, r; — •
<br />i : I The organization must have, at the gambling premises, a current inventory of gambling-equipment, a sketch with 14 • : •24,' - -
<br />%.74•15.-^
<br />: l•;1.71-, dimensions of the premises available for review,-and a clear physical separation or divider between the-lessee's • . - -- , -4
<br />- r-- -nw.4*f-:.
<br />• gambling equipment and the lessor's business equipment ' ,
<br />vn. ;it:
<br />. . - - - ---- ------
<br />' *The -Organization will be responsble for ensuring that the lessor's business activities are not conducted on the .—
<br />. _ , . ..... _
<br />= leased premises. . - ,
<br />H. • 'The lease shall be terminated immediately for any -gambling, liquor, prostitution or tax evasioriviolationi O,Ocurriag- •'••
<br />-,-,, :on the premises._ ; - :•. .? :..„- „
<br />• The lessor of the premises shall provide the lessee access to the licensed premises during any time reasonable
<br />and necessary to conduct lawful gambling on the premises and as agreed in this leaser --- - - -- ----7--
<br />... . .
<br />, ... ;
<br />I • (Write in any other conditions or restrictions that will be included as part of the lease. Attach additional sheets if-- -- --
<br />necessary)
<br />• - : - 1-....: -
<br />This lease is the total and only agreement between the lessor and the organization chnducting lawful gambling aetivities.
<br />There 15510 other agreement and no other consideration required behveeathe parties.asto the lawful gambling and other - - • .
<br />matters related to this lease. Any changes in this lease must be submitted to the Gambling Control Board within-10 days-4-- -- .
<br />. ....
<br />of the change.4 ;- -
<br />• teal I 0Aor '- Date -i, Sigriature o organization official (lessee), Date
<br />sl...4-..,,,,; _,...../ r..t.
<br />--/i/-22b17- /TAIT; Tr .H"'"-
<br />tle‘s.hi ' rile ...,q,--.5 .e '' a
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<br />'
<br />\c.c.-tr.:1;3
<br />--.7.-:•.: •i•Vt2a el l'is-fr• C'••• -- - - --- tr. -4. :- -
<br />A consi•-•of this lease andsketch with dimensions must be submitted with thepr- OThises-permit applicatiorfriiiCewal- or whinT„ ..... ‘,... ',
<br />.-) \ '---,-f•
<br />changes in the lease occur to: 4 - ; , ,, . .: \ o
<br />-. ni.g.i3 bjab& . • r'S
<br />RoseGaMm. Winn .
<br />171
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<br />Page 5
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