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12-20-1995 Council Agenda
City Council Packets
12-20-1995 Council Agenda
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SAUNAS <br />Chapter Page <br />2201. Saunas 229 -233 <br />2201. SAUNAS <br />2201.010. DEFINITIONS. As used in this Chapter, the terms <br />defined in this Section shall have the following meanings ascribed <br />to them: <br />Massage, Masseur, Masseuse. The word "massage" as used herein <br />in defined as the rubbing, stroking, kneading, tapping, pounding or <br />rolling of any part of the human body with the hands for the <br />purposes of relaxation, physical fitness or beautification. <br />"Masseur" as used herein is defined as a male person who practices <br />massage. The word "masseuse" as used herein is defined as a female <br />person who practices massage. <br />Massage Parlor. The term "massage parlor" is defined as any <br />room or rooms wherein a person may, for a fee, receive a massage. <br />Sauna. A steam bath or heating room used for the purpose of <br />bathing, relaxation or reducing, utilizing steam or hot air as a <br />cleaning, relaxing or reducing agent. <br />2201.020. LICENSE - REQUIRED. No person, partnership or <br />corporation shall engage in a business, a principal part of which <br />is a sauna or a massage parlor, without being licensed as provided <br />in this Chapter. <br />2201.030. LICENSE - APPLICATION. The application shall <br />contain a description and location of the premises to be licensed, <br />the names and addresses of the property owner, business owner, <br />lessee and manager and /or operators; the application shall include <br />whether any of the aforementioned individuals have ever been <br />arrested or convicted of any crime or offense , and if so, should <br />include a description of the offense as to time, place, date and <br />disposition. <br />2201.040. LICENSE FEE; DISPLAY; TERM. The annual license fee <br />is Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000), which shall not be pro- rated. <br />A separate license shall be obtained for each place of business. <br />The licensee shall display the license in a prominent place on the <br />licensed premises at all times. A license, unless revoked, is for <br />the calendar year, or a part thereof, for which it has been issued. <br />Page 229 <br />Page 52 <br />
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