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02-06-2017 Council Work Session Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
02-06-2017 Council Work Session Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES February 6, 2047 <br />APPROVED <br />45 <br />46 The council will consider adoption of the goals at the council meeting on February 13, <br />47 2017. <br />48 2. Enterprise Fleet Presentation — Public Safety Director Swenson and Finance <br />49 Director Cotton introduced representatives from Enterprise Fleet Management who <br />50 reviewed a PowerPoint presentation. They are responding to the council's direction to <br />51 investigate the possibility of going to a lease environment for City of Lino Lakes fleet. <br />52 <br />53 Trent Dressen and Dan Kenny, Enterprise Fleet Management, gave a presentation covering <br />54 what they do, who they are and who they provide services for (list noted). They will also <br />55 include some recommendations for the city. They have found the leasing process can <br />56 work well for government entities. The presentation included information on: <br />57 - services that they offer (and what they dedicate in terms of account management staff ); <br />58 recommendations are provided annually; <br />59 - flexible financing options for high use vehicles as well as lower use fleet items; <br />60 - back end support that helps with all the smaller details; <br />61 - open ended leasing (no mileage limits, wear & tear etc); the city would have all <br />62 ownership rights and could keep or maintain the vehicles; <br />63 - real benefit is to have a better cash flow for your vehicles; <br />64 - operating expenses can be included and fixed within a budget; <br />65 - vehicle disposal is an included element in the form of them making recommendations to <br />66 the council (would be sold for more value than at auction). <br />67 <br />68 Council Member Kusterman recognized that the leasing option presented represents a <br />69 finance agreement that would spread costs out. He noted that the financing rate is higher <br />70 than what the city would normally pay for interest costs. Mr. Dressen added that it takes <br />71 the guesswork out and it can make financial sense. <br />72 <br />73 Council Member Kusterman remarked that it would also be valuable for the city to <br />74 understand its current inventory and its value. <br />75 <br />76 The representatives reviewed a savings analysis for the city's fleet plan. <br />77 <br />78 Mayor Reinert asked about the period of the presumed lease. The representative said this <br />79 would normally be no longer than five years and 100,000 miles. Mayor Reinert pointed <br />80 out that this doesn't cover the full fleet (fifteen cars only) so there are added costs for the <br />81 additional vehicles. (See Dec. 5, 2016 council packet for other vehicle replacement plan) <br />82 <br />83 The council asked Director Swenson for his opinion on leasing. He suggested that if the <br />84 council is interested in a policy on longer use of vehicles, it could make sense. It depends <br />85 on the goals. Mayor Reinert expressed his concern at planning on certain resale revenue; <br />86 that area is subjective and he'd prefer more specific information in that area since it's <br />87 being presented as a huge part of the value of leasing. <br />88 Representative explained that overall they are offering their extensive expertise in the area <br />
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