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03-06-2017 Council Work Session Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-06-2017 Council Work Session Minutes
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4/3/2017 9:46:25 AM
City Council
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Council Minutes
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Council Meeting Type
Work Session Special
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CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION March 6, 2017 <br />APPROVED <br />46 Council Member Kusterman remarked that it is helpful to have this testimony because he <br />47 knows there are people who don't know the community work that's going on at the Legion. <br />48 The mayor noted additionally that there is positive energy and good momentum and that is <br />49 bringing in many new people to the Legion; the organization is running well. <br />50 <br />51 Council Member Rafferty noted that he is thankful to hear about the good community work <br />52 of the Legion as well. As they have noted, the Legion receives discounts for certain <br />53 services in recognition of their community base but that is from private companies, not the <br />54 public dollar. Mayor Reinert noted that, with the extra revenue that could be created with <br />55 growth, they are talking about doing even more that will benefit the community. <br />56 <br />57 2. Update from North Metro TV Executive Director —Heidi Arnson, North <br />58 Metro Television (NMTV) presented. She reviewed a handout that outlines the <br />59 improvement of services they are providing to city government and their respective <br />60 television channels. Their services include programming as well as technical assistance. <br />61 The project to update the local government channels is a priority for NMTV because they <br />62 have heard from cities that it is needed and wanted. They are also providing assistance in <br />63 the city's quest to upgrade the council chambers technology. She explained the availability <br />64 of a new program for government channels that they are using and that they will be <br />65 providing for local governments in about eight weeks. <br />66 <br />67 Mayor Reinert noted that he's been interested in more capability for the city's cable channel <br />68 and wants to see more ability to cross over to other programs. How much will cities need <br />69 to provide in the way of staff for this new effort? Ms. Arnson noted that NMTV has talked <br />70 about creating a position that will deal with programming for local channels. A position <br />71 for a municipal producer is already established and will be filled soon. The mayor <br />72 remarked that there is much information out there for the residents and he's excited about <br />73 improving the information on that channel. He recalled that this discussion began when he <br />74 offered a challenge to NMTV and he didn't intend that to be offensive; he wanted more and <br />75 is excited about getting to that goal. He asked for a more in depth description of how <br />76 content on the city channel will change. He's envisioning some regular content such as a <br />77 public safety update, comprehensive plan news, public services information, etc. Also he <br />78 sees advantage in investigating what other cities are doing on their channels. Ms. Arnson <br />79 said it will be helpful to have that new producer on board who will lead the new content. <br />80 Mayor Reinert called for a way to bring the government channel to more than just cable <br />81 subscribers; Heidi mentioned streaming and the Mayor suggested getting the channel onto <br />82 Direct TV and Dish TV. <br />83 <br />84 Regarding the council chambers upgrade project, Council Member Rafferty wondered why <br />85 there are so few vendors being considered. Ms. Arnson said that there is limited expertise <br />86 in the area and it's advisable to stay with someone who knows the work well. Council <br />87 Member Rafferty noted that the city is seeking design services for a system as an initial <br />88 step, but he is curious about how that process fits into the actually bidding down the line. <br />89 Should the design engineer be eligible for bidding also? If they get the bid, as they <br />90 probably would, who would do the checks and balances on them (if it's all their work, all <br />2 <br />
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