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2017-012 Council Resolution
City Council
City Council Resolutions
2017-012 Council Resolution
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Last modified
6/14/2017 11:54:57 AM
Creation date
6/12/2017 3:39:44 PM
City Council
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policies: <br />1. The urban subdivision must be located within the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) <br />or the staged growth area as established by the city's Comprehensive Plan; <br />2. The cost of utilities and street extensions must be covered by one or more of the following: <br />a. An immediate assessment to the proposed subdivision; <br />b. One hundred percent of the street and utility costs are privately financed by the developer; <br />c. The cost of regional and/or oversized trunk utility lines can be financed with available city <br />trunk funds; and <br />d. The cost and timing of the expenditure of city funds are consistent with the city's capital <br />improvement plan. <br />3. The cost, operation and maintenance of the utility system are consistent with the normal costs <br />as projected by the water and sewer rate study; and <br />4. The developer payments will offset additional costs of utility installation or future operation <br />and maintenance. <br />Erickson Estates is consistent with infill policies. With the approved Comprehensive Plan <br />Amendment, the development will be within the current Utility Staging Area IA=2008-2015. No <br />new utility or street extensions are required. The cost, operation and maintenance of the utility <br />system is consistent with the normal costs projected by the water and sanitary system plans. No <br />future utility costs are proposed. <br />(c) Roads or highways to serve the subdivision. A proposed subdivision shall meet the <br />following requirements for level of service (LOS), as defined by the Highway Capacity Manual: <br />1. If the existing level of service (LOS) outside of the proposed subdivision is A or B, traffic <br />generated by a proposed subdivision will not degrade the level of service more than one grade; <br />�-- 2. If the existing LOS outside of the proposed subdivision is C, traffic generated by a proposed <br />subdivision will not degrade the level of service below C; <br />3. If the existing LOS outside of the proposed subdivision is D, traffic generated by a proposed <br />subdivision will not degrade the level of service below D; <br />4. The existing LOS must be D or better for all streets and intersections providing access to the <br />subdivision. If the existing level of service is E or F, the subdivision developer must provide, as <br />part of the proposed project, improvements needed to ensure a level of service D or better; <br />5. Existing roads and intersections providing access to the subdivision must have the structural <br />capacity to accommodate projected traffic from the proposed subdivision or the developer will <br />pay to correct any structural deficiencies; <br />6. The traffic generated from a proposed subdivision shall not require city street improvements <br />that are inconsistent with the Lino Lakes capital improvement plan. However, the city may, at its <br />discretion, consider developer -financed improvements to correct any street deficiencies; <br />7. The LOS requirements in divisions (2)(c)1. to 4. above do not apply to the I-35W/Lake Drive <br />or I-35E/Main St. interchanges. At city discretion, interchange impacts must be evaluated in <br />conjunction with Anoka County and the Minnesota Department of Transportation, and a plan <br />must be prepared to determine improvements needed to resolve deficiencies. This plan must <br />determine traffic generated by the subdivision project, how this traffic contributes to the total <br />traffic, and the time frame of the improvements. The plan also must examine financing options, <br />including project contribution and cost sharing among other jurisdictions and other properties <br />that contribute to traffic at the interchange; and <br />8. The city does not relinquish any rights of local determination. <br />Erickson Estates meets the requirements for level of service (LOS). White Pine Road and <br />2 <br />
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