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05-22-2017 Council Meeting Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
05-22-2017 Council Meeting Minutes
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City Council
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Council Minutes
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COUNCIL MINUTES May 22, 2017 <br />APPROVED <br />1 CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />2 MINUTES <br />3 <br />4 <br />5 DATE May 22, 2017 <br />6 TIME STARTED 6:30 p.m. <br />7 TIME ENDED 7:50p.m. <br />8 MEMBERS PRESENT Council Member Rafferty, Kusterman, Maher, <br />9 Manthey, and Mayor Reinert <br />10 MEMBERS ABSENT <br />11 <br />12 Staff members present: City Administrator Jeff Karlson; City Engineer Diane Hankee; Director of <br />13 Public Safety John Swenson; Director of Public Services Rick DeGardner; Human Resources <br />14 Manager Karissa Henning <br />15 <br />16 PUBLIC COMMENT <br />17 <br />18 John DeHaven, 1612 Birch Street. Mr. DeHaven stated his concern about a member of the council <br />19 posting a threat on Facebook and the embarrassment caused to the citizens. He called for the council <br />20 member to resign. Mayor Reinert noted agenda Item 3D. <br />21 <br />22 Doug Malson, 8210 Diane Street, told the council about a water issue in his neighborhood. He noted <br />23 a lot of written information involved that would take more than three minutes allotted for open mike. <br />24 He asked that the council put the matter on their agenda for discussion. Mayor Reinert remarked <br />25 that he was made aware of the matter and he understands it involves a culvert and beaver blockage. <br />26 Mr. Malson suggested it goes further than just the culvert being clogged; there is history involved. <br />27 Mayor Reinert asked that the council receive more information now and see if more time is needed. <br />28 Mr. Malson said he has a list of what he'd like accomplished at this meeting; the mayor suggested <br />29 that the council should make its decision by being as informed as possible so more study may be <br />30 needed. He called upon the City Engineer to provide more insight on the situation. <br />31 <br />32 City Engineer Hankee explained that the culvert in question is part of the Anoka County and <br />33 watershed district system. Staff has talked with the watershed representative and heard that the <br />34 culvert was replaced in 2013, it was upsized and graded to the size of the ditch system. Anything the <br />35 city does would have to be in coordination with the watershed district. Staff has cleared the beaver <br />36 dam and will look at options to prevent further blocking. Mr. Malson confirmed that the problem is <br />37 more than just beavers. <br />38 <br />39 Mayor Reinert asked what needs to be dealt with immediately and Mr. Malson said there is flooding <br />40 of the woods and experience tells him that trees will be lost. Mayor Reinert asked what could be <br />41 done to help the flooding and Ms. Hankee said a clear culvert will eventually clear the water; it's a <br />42 large basin. Ms. Hankee explained that many water bodies and drainage systems are at the hundred <br />43 year level and are straining; additional staff has been brought in. She clarified that the city cannot <br />44 drain a basin by grading under watershed laws but it is a top priority to work on the problem. <br />45 <br />1 <br />
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