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COUNCIL MINUTES <br />June 12, 2017 <br />APPROVED <br />46 Resolution No. 17-51, Approving a Temporary On Sale <br />47 Liquor License, a Cabaret License, an Exemption for <br />48 Gambling Permit and Parade Run Permit for the Annual <br />49 St. Joseph's Catholic Church August Festival Approved <br />50 <br />51 FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT <br />52 <br />53 2A) Consider Accepting 2016 Audit Report, Redpath and Company, Ltd — Finance Director <br />54 Cotton introduced Redpath representative Andy Hering who summarily reviewed the results of the <br />55 audit (the full report and summary on file). <br />56 <br />57 Council Member Maher asked for additional information on the Certificate for Excellence in <br />58 Financial Reporting; is that something all cities receive? Representative Hering explained that it is <br />59 common for cities to apply for the designation but there are some cities that don't apply and <br />60 occasionally a certificate application may be denied. <br />61 <br />62 Mayor Reinert remarked that the City has a healthy fund reserve and although those funds are <br />63 protected from anything other than very conservative investments, he'd like to explore further the best <br />64 investments. <br />65 <br />66 Council Member Rafferty moved to accept the 2016 Audit Report as presented. Council Member <br />67 Manthey seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. <br />68 <br />69 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT REPORT <br />70 <br />71 3A) Consider lst Reading of Ordinance No. 0347, Relating to Liquor and Beer Off -Sales on <br />72 Sunday — City Clerk Bartell explained that the State Legislature approved and the governor signed a <br />73 law that legalizes the off -sale of liquor on Sundays, effective July 1, 2017, with sales to be allowed <br />74 between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. She indicated that city staff has reviewed the city's <br />75 liquor regulations and prepared an ordinance that would bring the city code into concurrence with the <br />76 new state law. If the ordinance is finally approved by the council (receives first and second reading), <br />77 staff will proceed to inform the city's off -sale license holders as part of their annual license renewal <br />78 on July 1. <br />79 <br />80 Council Member Maher moved to approve the 15t Reading of Ordinance No. 03-17 as presented. <br />81 Council Member Rafferty seconded the motion. Motion carried on a voice vote. <br />82 <br />83 PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENT REPORT <br />84 <br />85 4A) Consider Resolution No. 17-52, Reaffirming Lino Lakes Participation in Anoka County <br />86 All Hazard Mitigation Plan — Public Safety Director Swenson reviewed his written report, outlining <br />87 a) the city's participation in this mitigation plan; b) rule changes that require municipalities to update <br />88 their participation every five years. He explained that the Plan serves as a blueprint for cities to <br />89 follow as they make their own preparations for mitigation situations and links the city to FEMA <br />90 resources. <br />2 <br />