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05-31-2012 Minutes
2012 Minutes
05-31-2012 Minutes
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Charter Commission
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Charter Commission <br />May 31, 2012 <br />Page 2 <br />--.� 45 higher interest rate and the bonds have to be sold on a taxable basis. The City's proposal would <br />46 eliminate tax exempt zones. <br />47 MOTION by Commissioner Bretoi and seconded by Commissioner Gunderson that the Chair <br />48 requests a formal response from the Lino Lakes City Council providing a full explanation of their <br />49 rationale for including exempt zones as part of the amendment rather than having it changed by <br />50 ordinance. <br />51 Motion passed with Commissioner Timm voting no and Commissioner Sutherland abstaining. <br />52 <br />53 Commissioner Gunderson noted that while Mr. Grochala was offering the Council's thoughts to <br />54 the Commissioners she did not want to tie him to representing them and that it would be <br />55 beneficial to hear directly from the Council. <br />56 Mr. Grochala responded that back in 1992 there was a purpose for tax exempt zones because they <br />57 would allow for specific treatment of areas that needed to be treated differently which would be <br />58 consistent with Chapter 429. He noted that under the existing charter there was merit in keeping <br />59 them in place. <br />60 Commissioner Bretoi questioned why what had appeared to be agreed to by the City Council and <br />61 the Commission was not moved forward <br />62 Mr. Grochala agreed that the City did approach the Commission about removing the exempt <br />63 zones. In 2008 a task force was struck to develop a Charter Amendment as part of a <br />64 comprehensive reworking of Chapter 8 of the City Charter. He cited the memo in the meeting <br />65 packed (July 18, 2008 memo from the Chair of the Commission, Ms. Duffy to the Mayor, Mr. <br />66 Bergeson) that contained partial but not complete agreement with the City's position. He <br />67 referred to three photographs that were distributed at the meeting and noted that the three zones <br />68 are zoned commercial. He stated that the intent of the City is to do infrastructure projects that are <br />69 consistent with Chapter 429. <br />70 Commissioner Helgemoe asked what the percentage cost difference is for the higher interest rate. <br />71 Mr. Bubel indicated a one to two percent additional cost but it depends on the size of the bond <br />72 issue. <br />73 Commissioner Bartsch indicated his understanding was that the Commission and Council were <br />74 in agreement to eliminate the tax exempt zones and wondered why the Council wants to amend <br />75 Chapter 8. <br />76 Mr. Grochala said the Council is looking at a bigger issue which is the financing of any public <br />77 improvements and is the city going to continue to use special assessments to do public <br />78 improvements. Under 429 it is possible to level special assessments. <br />79 Special assessments can be levied if they lead to the improvement of the affected properties. It is <br />80 difficult to completely justify the benefit with street improvements and therefore generally has <br />81 had to go to ballot for approval by all voters. <br />82 <br />83 COMMISSION REQUEST FOR $1400 FOR LEGAL REVIEW ON COUNCIL <br />84 PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENTS <br />85 Chair Lyden said that he had not received a formal response. He referenced the audio clip from a <br />86 Council meeting provided to Commissioners in advance of the meeting, noting that it seemed to <br />87 be an indication from the Council that the Commission would not be given additional funds. <br />88 [The position of the Council members was that the Commission had its full $1500 budget <br />89 available and there were therefore adequate funds to cover the review]. Chair Lyden noted that <br />2 <br />
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