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06-05-2017 Council Work Session Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
06-05-2017 Council Work Session Minutes
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10/15/2021 12:35:49 PM
Creation date
9/7/2017 3:40:03 PM
City Council
Council Document Type
Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION <br />June 59 2017 <br />APPROVED <br />44 use for study criteria. She reviewed the recommendations, including no stop sign with <br />45 continued monitoring of the traffic by the Police and continued traffic monitoring. <br />46 A resident of the street (not identified) addressed the council. He noted concerns about <br />47 how the traffic study was conducted (noting on a map the area where speed sticks were <br />48 used for the study). There are very many children in the area. When the mayor asked if <br />49 speeders are people from the neighborhood, the residents present said yes, noting that <br />50 there are quite a few teens. <br />51 <br />52 Residents spoke in favor of a stop sign and asked for a new traffic study with different <br />53 data gathering sites. <br />54 <br />55 Public Safety Director explained that placing a stop sign where drivers don't expect it <br />56 creates a less safe situation because of an expectation that may not be met (drivers may <br />57 not stop). He would be interested in data from a different spot though. Also he wonders <br />58 about being creative by placing temporary speed bumps. <br />59 <br />60 Mayor Reinert noted the results of the speed study; what changes or devices does the <br />61 study result point to? <br />62 <br />63 The council directed staff to work further on the issue (additional data to be gathered and <br />64 communication to area residents) and report back at the July work session. <br />65 3. Culvert Maintenance ACD 10-22-32 —City Engineer Hankee introduced the <br />66 Rice Creek Watershed district representatives. Ms. Hankee reviewed the council <br />67 direction to staff to gather additional data on the culvert area in addressing the <br />68 draining/flooding situation that has occurred there. She reviewed communication with <br />69 the property owner of the specific site where the culvert is located and the area residents <br />70 who have expressed concern. She noted the balance required in maintaining the drainage <br />71 systems. The history of the culvert and ditch system was reviewed. <br />72 <br />73 Ms. Hankee explained the work that has been done to address the flooding. The water <br />74 has receded to normal levels. <br />75 <br />76 Ms. Hankee recalled a request to report on the original development (Bluebell Ponds) of <br />77 the area; as outlined in the staff report there was study included with that development. <br />78 <br />79 Mayor Reinert noted the circumstances that created the problem and that it seems that it is <br />80 back to normal. An area resident disagreed, noting first that a certain area has cleared <br />81 but noting also his concern about the dead trees near his home that are still sitting in <br />82 water. He feels that the original plans and culvert don't address all of the problem. <br />83 <br />84 The son-in-law of a resident explained the current situation whereby there is still water <br />85 threatening homes. <br />2 <br />
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