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01-05-2015 Council Work Session Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
01-05-2015 Council Work Session Minutes
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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION January 5, 2015 <br />DRAFT <br />46 DeGardner explained that the city will either trade in or auction old equipment in order to <br />47 get the best value. <br />48 <br />49 Finance Director Rolek then reviewed the proposed fire department capital purchases. <br />50 Public Safety Director Swenson added that the department is receiving some assets as a <br />51 result of the split from the Centennial Fire District and have identified what will be <br />52 needed in addition to those items. He noted that the city has submitted a grant application <br />53 to FEMA requesting funding for the purchase of fire apparatus/gear; receipt of the grant is <br />54 an unknown so the city must plan funding in case it isn't received. Mr. Rolek also <br />55 explained that the financing is internal so it can be adjusted depending on changes in <br />56 what is spent. <br />57 <br />58 2. NE Drainage Area Study Update - Community Development Director Grochala <br />59 reviewed the history of the council's consideration of how to address drainage in the NE <br />60 area of the city. Staff has been working with the city's engineering firm, WSB and the <br />61 area watershed district to develop options for drainage and will now receive an overview <br />62 from WSB staff Pete Willenbring. <br />63 <br />64 Mr. Willenbring reviewed the problems: <br />65 - Ditches in place do not handle much; <br />66 - One area is landlocked; <br />67 - Must deal with increased discharged downstream. <br />68 <br />69 Mr. Willenbring distributed a map outlining the idea of installing a large capacity line to <br />70 handle drainage. An important element of the project would be to determine alignment; <br />71 any study and modeling need to be clear about impacts such as environmental. He is <br />72 working with the watershed district on those details. He noted that the model, he <br />73 believes, demonstrates that Peltier Lake will not be impacted and it will be important to <br />74 show no impact to water quality. Since the watershed would like to see the drainage <br />75 solution limit the volume of water moved, they will also be looking at irrigation options <br />76 along the route. The council's consideration now is relative to the need for the system. <br />77 There are property owner considerations as well as work ahead with developers who <br />78 could possibly be building in the area. The mayor suggested the city will need a <br />79 statement of need and a defensible solution for what is being recommended; he asked <br />80 about the AUAR for the area. Mr. Grochala said it basically calls for expansion of <br />81 drainage systems but the storm water rules have changed somewhat. Council Member <br />82 Roeser offered funding ideas: water/land banking; grant funding (Legacy?). <br />83 <br />84 Mr. Willenbring clarified that staff is looking for concept approval from the council and <br />85 from the watershed. Mr. Grochala added that eventually a feasibility study will be <br />86 needed. <br />87 <br />88 The council also heard from Bruce Miller (area developer) who said his group has worked <br />89 on addressing storm water elements in the past, received instructions from the watershed <br />90 district, but ultimately couldn't do what they said. As a result they had to develop an <br />2 <br />
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