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CHAPTER 204 CODE OF CONDUCT <br />Section <br />204A.01 Procedures <br />204A.02 Disclosure <br />204A.03 Removal of influence <br />204A.04 Representation of interested party <br />204A.05 City employment <br />204A.06 Removal from office <br />§ 204A.01 PROCEDURES. <br />Any elected official, city employee or agent appointed by the City Council, or any member <br />of a committee or commission who has been appointed by the City Council or Mayor, who in <br />the discharge of their official duties, would be required to take action or make a decision <br />which could substantially affect the official's financial interest, or those of an associated <br />business, unless the effect on the official is no greater than that on any other members of the <br />official's business classification, profession or occupation, shall take the following action. <br />(Prior Code, § 204A.01) (Ord. 14-95, passed 9-11-1995) <br />§ 204A.02 DISCLOSURE. <br />Disclosure to the Council or chairperson, and other members of the commission of which <br />they are a member, their participation in the matter, prior to the time the matter is considered <br />by the Council, committee, or commission. <br />(Prior Code, § 204A.02) (Ord. 14-95, passed 9-11-1995) <br />§ 204A.03 REMOVAL OF INFLUENCE. <br />Remove themselves in the manner prescribed by the Council, or the chairperson of the <br />committee or commission of which they are a member, from any consideration or influence <br />over the action and decision in question. <br />(Prior Code, § 204A.03) (Ord. 14-95, passed 9-11-1995) <br />1 <br />