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12-03-2009 Minutes
2009 Minutes
12-03-2009 Minutes
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Charter Commission
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Jan 12 10 04:30p Caroline Dahl 651-484-4781 p.2 <br />Charter Commission <br />December 3, 2009 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVED APRIL 8, 2010 <br />45 <br />46 A. Code of Conduct <br />47 <br />48 Commissioners Sutherland and Gunderson reviewed the current situation of bringing forth <br />49 language for a Code of Conduct. Instituting a Code of Conduct for the Charter Commission has <br />50 been previously brought up for discussion, but has not been taken up because of more important <br />51 issues the Commission has had to work on. <br />52 <br />53 Commissioner Vacha, stating that he was not at the Last meeting of the Charter Commission, <br />54 asked why a Code of Conduct was being brought forward now. Commissioner Sutherland stated <br />55 that Chapter 12.03 of the Charter states "the City Council shall cause a code of conduct for all <br />56 elected, appointed and hired officials and employees of the City to be established." "Further, such <br />57 code shall include the appropriate responses to violations of its provisions." <br />58 <br />Lyden 1'he current code of conduct does not follow the Charter due to an apparent lack of due process <br />60 and consequences of alledged violations. <br />61 <br />62 Commissioner Storberg stated she believes that the Commission can conduct business without <br />63 such a code. Commissioner Gunderson stated there are three points that came up while <br />64 researching the issue of code of conduct. 1. The 12.03 chapter of the Charter. 2. The question of <br />65 if the City is following Chapter 12.03 of the. Charter with the current code it has in place. 3. Does <br />66 the current code of conduct cover the Charter Commissioners because the Charter states <br />67 "appointed" officials. <br />68 <br />69 Commissioner Drennen stated he believes that now is a good time to approach the subject and <br />70 that the Commission needs something like this. <br />71 <br />72 Commissioner Stockman Maher stated she believes that a Code of Conduct is not the <br />73 responsibility of the Charter Commission. Chair Dahl reminded the Commission that <br />74 Commissioners Sutherland and Gunderson were directed by the body to research this issue and <br />75 this meeting was motioned into action. <br />76 <br />77 Commissioner Bretoi asked howthe Commission deals with the Council if they are not following <br />78 the current code of conduct. Commission Gunderson states in response to both Commissioners <br />79 Stockman Maher's point and Commissioner Bretoi's question that in ordinance form, the citizens <br />80 of Lino Lakes have something to take to the City Council body if a violation occurs or is <br />81 suspected. <br />82 <br />83 Commissioner Carlson stated he supports putting forward something to the City Council. <br />84 Commissioner Trehus stated he feels the Commission is overstepping bounds by putting forward <br />85 an example to the City Council. Commissioner Vacha thanks Commissioners Gunderson and <br />crr G'..a'L,,.�1...,,i F +l,a:,- off'.,.-tn •h,�+ �rrrone -I i+i1 C'nmmiccinnar Trahiic <br />
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