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Charter Commission <br />November 1, 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVED <br />46 Mr. Bretoi reiterated his concern that residents are not being kept informed; he stated his feeling <br />47 that right now it feels like residents are writing the City a blank check. He stated that with <br />48 respect to the Shadow Lake Drive improvements, the City has indicated it plans to proceed with <br />49 the project and this has resulted in a high level of distrust. <br />50 <br />51 Commissioner Bor asked Mr. Bretoi if he has expressed his concerns to the City Council. <br />52 <br />53 Mr. Bretoi presented the Charter Commission with a copy of his remarks given to the City <br />54 Council and the local newspaper. <br />55 <br />56 Chair Duffy expressed the Charter Commission's thanks to Mr. Bretoi for appearing at the <br />57 meeting. <br />58 <br />59 APPROVAL OF MINUTES — OCTOBER 11, 2007 <br />60 <br />61 Commissioner Storberg requested lines 347 and 348 on page 8 be amended to read: <br />62 "Commissioner Storberg expressed the Commission's appreciation to Chair Duffy and <br />63 Commissioner Dahl for their work in hiring Ms. Marty." <br />64 <br />65 Chair Duffy requested lines 47 and 48 on page 2 be amended to correct the name of the <br />.-, 66 newspapers, to read: "Commissioner Rosemary Williams suggested that residents write a letter to <br />67 the Quad and Citizen editors and try to get as many letters out there which includes a phone <br />68 number for the Mayor so...". <br />69 <br />70 Commissioner Dahl requested line 62 on page 2 be amended to accurately reflect Mr. Freimuth's <br />71 residence, to read: "lives off Sunset Road. Mr. Freimuth stated under the current rules, residents <br />72 are...". <br />73 <br />74 Commissioner Handrick requested line 40 on page 1 be amended to read: "Commissioner <br />75 Handrick stated this could potentially be a safety issue that the City has to address." <br />76 <br />77 MOTION by Commissioner Dahl, seconded by Commissioner Zastrow, to approve the October <br />78 11, 2007, Charter Commission meeting minutes, as amended. Motion carried unanimously. <br />79 <br />80 OLD BUSINESS <br />81 <br />82 A. Paul Montain Member Status <br />83 <br />84 Chair Duffy reported she previously sent an email to Commissioner Montain asking if he wished <br />85 to continue on the Charter Commission. Having heard no response from Commissioner <br />86 Montain, and pursuant to direction of the Charter Commission at the October 11, 2007 meeting, <br />87 Chair Duffy sent a certified letter to Commissioner Montain informing him that unless the <br />88 Commission hears from him by October 31, 2007, the Commission intended to follow the bylaws <br />89 of the Charter regarding discharge of members. Chair Duffy reported that the certified mail <br />2 <br />