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09-06-2007 Minutes
2007 Minutes
09-06-2007 Minutes
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Charter Commission
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Charter Commission <br />September 6, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVED <br />89 <br />90 MOTION by Commissioner Stockman Maher, seconded by Commissioner Bening, to retain <br />91 Daniel Schleck as an alternate attorney. Motion carried unanimously. <br />92 <br />93 The Committee discussed the communication contact with the attorney. <br />94 <br />95 MOTION by Commissioner Handrick, seconded by Commissioner Trehus, that <br />96 Commissioner Dahl be the contact for Karen Marty. Officers of the Charter Commission <br />97 will be the contact if Commissioner Dahl is unavailable. <br />98 <br />99 Commissioner Storberg clarified that only officers should have discussions with the attorney. <br />100 <br />101 Motion passed unanimously. <br />102 <br />103 B. Amendment / Discussion Review and Comments of Sub -committee's Handout - <br />104 Commissioner Trehus stated that if they reject or approve the proposal tonight the Council <br />105 could still put the Task Force Amendment on the ballot without a delayed vote. Consensus <br />106 of the Commission was to not reject the proposal but continue in further discussion. The <br />107 continuance ends December 6th <br />108 <br />-109 Chair Duffy questioned if there is support to remove the referendum provision in a situation <br />110 that would allow the neighborhoods to opt out or initiate a project without the City taking a <br />111 vote on it. This is in Chapter 8 and would allow the neighborhoods to understand the project <br />112 to be undertaken so they can opt out or move forward with the proposal. Chair Duffy <br />113 withdrew her question. <br />114 <br />115 Commissioner Handrick suggested working on the proposed Task Force Amendment to close <br />116 any loopholes. She suggested that the attorney look at this from both sides and make <br />117 suggestions. <br />118 <br />119 Commissioner Storberg suggested creating a definition for road repair to eliminate problems <br />120 leading to many amendments. <br />121 <br />122 Chair Duffy suggested reviewing the bullet points from the subcommittee to reach an <br />123 agreement and narrow down the list. The Commissioners discussed the bullet points leading <br />124 to the following recommendations: <br />125 Bullet #1: Remove. Similar to bullet 2, which was preferred. <br />126 Bullet #2: Continue and review the percentage of voters. <br />127 Bullet #3: Forward 8.03 to the attorney. <br />128 Bullet #4: Begin requiring notices via certified mail. <br />129 Bullet #5: Change to a 2-4 year disallowance provision be made. It will be determined later <br />130 the specific number of years within 2-4. Suggestions were made to use a two-year provision. <br />^131 Bullet #6: Agreed that the developer pay for roads or utilities. Commissioner Handrick <br />132 suggested leaving this option open for payment other than the developer for large <br />3 <br />
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