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01-04-2011 Council Minutes (2)
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
01-04-2011 Council Minutes (2)
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City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION January 4, 2011 <br /> APPROVED <br /> 45 4. Comprehensive Plan—Community Development Director Grochala reported <br /> 46 that the council recently requested additional information on residential land use densities <br /> 47 in the proposed comprehensive plan (the Plan) along with information on the impact of <br /> 48 changes to those densities. He explained the difference between making a major <br /> 49 modification to the Plan (requires Metropolitan Council review and authorization) and <br /> 50 making an administrative change(does not require full review and resubmission to the <br /> 51 Metropolitan Council). A change in residential land use densities would be a major <br /> 52 change and would require a restart of the Plan update process. Another option for a <br /> 53 change is to adopt the Plan as is and then proceed with a Comprehensive Plan <br /> 54 Amendment, allowing elements not affected by the density discussion to go forward and <br /> 55 also shortening the review period for other jurisdictions. <br /> 56 <br /> 57 Mr. Grochala also reviewed the work and costs that would be associated with a change to <br /> 58 the Plan, both being largely dependent upon the scope of the change that is sought. A <br /> 59 process could take up to 14 months and cost up to $15,000, depending on the scope. <br /> 60 <br /> 61 The council had asked for a determination on whether there could be gaps between <br /> 62 residential density ranges. Mr. Grochala reported that the city attorney has stated that <br /> 63 there does not appear to be any statutory requirements that would preclude gaps in the <br /> 64 density ranges, but the city's basis for a change may be scrutinized. Mr. Grochala <br /> 65 reviewed the disadvantages to making a change and also the history of what single family <br /> 66 developments approved since 1999 fell within the proposed range. He also recalled <br /> 67 previous council discussion and decisions relative to residential densities and <br /> 68 recommended that if modifications are to be made, the council should establish clear <br /> 69 objectives. Mr. Grochala used land use maps on file to assist with his report. <br /> 70 <br /> 71 Council members commented on the process required for an amendment to the Plan. The <br /> 72 mayor suggested that lowering the high density is a good idea but he'd like something <br /> 73 accomplished without going through a major process. A council member noted the <br /> 74 benefit of doing a comprehensive plan amendment that would allow other elements to <br /> 75 proceed and not require as much involvement from the Metropolitan Council. <br /> 76 <br /> 77 Mike Trehus, Lino Lakes resident, offered comments in favor of more change; the <br /> 78 tweaking that the council is discussing is too much in line and he'd like the city to press <br /> 79 for more change. <br /> 80 <br /> 81 5. Weekly Progress Report—City Administrator Karlson reviewed the report. <br /> 82 Regarding RFP's for Contractual Services, the council would like to receive the proposed <br /> 83 RFP for engineering via email for their review; finalists should come to a council work <br /> 84 session and give a presentation on their services. Regarding the Organizational Review, <br /> 85 Mr. Karlson reviewed the interview and benchmarking elements of the review; the mayor <br /> 86 indicated that he remains interested in having an outside influence in the study. <br /> 87 Regarding the Sign Ordinance, the council asked that the YMCA issue relative to signage <br /> 88 should be included in the discussion; staff should speak with the YMCA staff on their <br /> 89 needs. Regarding the Motorsports Facility Race Track Proposal, Council Member Roeser <br /> 2 <br />
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