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07/18/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
07/18/1979 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Meeting Type
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July 18, 1979 <br />The regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order at <br />8:10 p.m., July 18, 1979, by Chairman Ken Gourley. Members present: Jerome Heath, <br />Jim Shearen, Vi Schwankl, Bob Doocy, Lawrence Johnson and Council liaison John <br />McLean. Members absent: Vernon Reinert. <br />The first item on the agenda was the approval of the May 16 and June 20 minutes. <br />Mr. Doocy moved to approve the minutes of the June 20 meeting. Vi Schwankl seconded <br />the motion. All were in favor. Motion declared passed. Mr. Johnson moved to <br />table the minutes of the May 16 regular meeting. Mr. Heath seconded the motion. <br />All were in favor. Motion declared passed. <br />Mr. McLean gave his report on the Council. In reference to the moratorium on moving <br />buildings and garages in the city, the Council passed an amendment to Ordinance No. <br />39A and adopted the permit form as presented by Mr. Mobley, with corrections. A <br />permit can be obtained before publication of the ordinance, conditional to the new <br />requirements. Mr. Gourley brought up that Ordinance No. 56 requires that the moving <br />permit have a formal recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission. This <br />would be in addition to the on-site inspection by the building inspector, a member <br />of the Council and a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission. This has not <br />been done in the past and had been overlooked at the Council meeting. A section for <br />P & Z approval would have to be put on Mr. Mobley's form. Mr. McLean will check on <br />this. Mr. Johnson asked if the action by Centerville in reference to Mr. Mobley <br />had any effect on Lino Lakes. Mr. McLean indicated that Mr. Mobley has put in his <br />application and will take the certification test at the earliest opportunity. In <br />reference to Mr. Nelson's variance request (Sunset Oaks), the Council had moved to <br />instruct Mr. Mobley to report on the situation for resolving the problem by means <br />other than the variance. This was to be presented at this meeting, but it was not <br />available. The building inspector is requested to reply to the Planning and Zoning <br />Commission on this. The special use permit to raise chickens for Mr. and Mrs. <br />Tueiberg was approved as set forth by the P & Z. They had over 10 acres under their <br />control through lease and ownership; if the lease is not kept up (6 acres), the <br />special use permit should be rescinded. The application by Mr. Rivard for a special <br />use permit for raising chickens was not complete and action was deferred. Action <br />was delayed on the variance request by Mr. Skoglund due to lack of information. The <br />rezone application by El Rehbein and Son was continued to the next meeting. A public <br />hearing had been set for the rezone at 790 Vickey Lane (R-1 to R-2). Mr. Burque <br />will be informed by mail of the requirements that need to be met on his plat. In <br />reference to Mr. Alenck on Rolling Hilis Drive, no action was taken on the special <br />use permit; since none had ever been taken, no further action was necessary. He <br />will be notified by the Clerk. In reference to Sandpiper Drive, the atitude of the <br />Council is that they would need to petition for the improvement and the benefiting <br />property owners would bear the cost. In reference to street lighting in Shenandoah, <br />there would be a temporary installation of a security light in one location there. <br />The Council had accepted the July 2 drawings of the Baldwin Lake Trailer Court <br />expansion, and the two landlocked parcels will have the opportunity to hook up with <br />the sewer and water at their own expense. The Council had decided to deal with the <br />entire trailer court as one piece on the rezone matter and a public hearing had been <br />set. Mr. Ray Rehbein's transfer of a piece of property of less than 22 acres on <br />Highway 8 and 77th Street had been dealt with. In reference to the damage to Rolling <br />Hills Drive and 64th Street, Mr. Klenck and Mr. La °`were requested to appear at <br />the next Council meeting. Mr. Leis apparently operating a hauling business on <br />4AIeChI dL <br />agricultural property, which is/not a permitted use of that kind of property. In <br />reference to the gravel pit operation on Otter Lake Road, a red tag had been issued. <br />It was suggested that since there would be more mining or scraping out, Mr. Gotwald <br />
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