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04/04/1979 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
04/04/1979 P&Z Minutes
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Page -2- April 4, 1979 <br />smaller houses in this City then this an an ordinance change. It is not a special deal <br />here and a special deal over there. Mr. Shearen noted that at_the last P & Z meetingiit <br />was suggested that this be set up as an experimental bases. Maybe this is not possible. <br />Mr. McLean said it is the wrong way to go. You are eroding your ordinance stucture. <br />Mr. Rehbein said he was not trying to erode the ordinances. He noted that the Metro guide- <br />lines does not suggest that the entire City be opened to smaller lot and house sizes. <br />Do it by spot zoning. Really what you are doing then is rezoning'this property. Mr. McLean <br />said we do not have a zoning for this kind of thing. <br />Mr. Reinert was not sure what the attorney has stated and asked Mr. Locher to repeat his <br />previous statements. Mr. Locher said he would research these questions. Mr. McLean in- <br />trepreted the Metro Council position as dispersing the smaller houses with the larger houses <br />not just make a street of mailer houses. Mr. Short presented his intrepretation of Metro <br />guidelines. <br />Mr. Reinert asked Mr. Short if he agreed with the Attorney that with this sort of development <br />that you do tend to get a "slum" type development. Mr. Short said he did not agree with <br />the word "slum" but lower cost housing especially if there is no garages generate more <br />outdoor storage. He noted Circle Pines situation and felt no, it did not necessarily create <br />"slums". He pointed out restrictive covenants and other things to help from giving a slum <br />appearance. <br />Mr. Rehbein pointed out the Brooklyn Center situation near the Howe Fertizler Plant. Not <br />one of the houses are 1,000 sq. ft. yet it is a real neat community. He pointed out Bloom- <br />ington lowered their standard to 77 sq. ft., White Bear Lake lot size is 7,200 sq. ft, <br />Maple Grove, 7,200 sq. ft. Shoreview, 10,400 sq. ft. Mr. Rehbein objected to the word <br />"slum" on low income housing. Mr. Reinert said he should not have used the word "slum". <br />Mr. Rehbein told the Board he took the Building Inspector to inspect the factory built home <br />in March. He explained how he planned to build these homes to preserve their appearance. <br />Mr. Zelinka said he resented the word "slum" being applied to smaller houses. He noted he <br />lives in the Lakeview area where the houses are small. He said he would rather see a <br />smaller home that is well built with good material than a larger home that is built just <br />to get by. The Lakeview area was designed to be a "slum" area but because the people were <br />proud of their homes it developed into a nice area. They have been inproved. He said he <br />resented the idea that lower cost housing would bring in slim people. He also noted that <br />requiring people to build larger $50,000, $60,000 homes was also discriminatory. In regard <br />to garages, he told the Board he has a garage that is totally insulated and heated but has <br />rately had a car in it in the last five years. <br />Mr. McLean asked what is the difference between the home Mr. Rehbein is planning to build <br />and a Wausau home. Mr. Rehbein siad this is a regular stick house built in one piece, Wausau <br />is panaled and not always built of full deminsion lumber. Mr. Rehbein told of the factory <br />he has visited and taken finance people to inspect as well as other people who agree this <br />is a first class house. He showed the Board pictures of the model homes. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz asked about the cost of the home. Mr. Rehbein said the price he quoted is <br />for a full house on a basement with sewered and fully sodded lot. He noted some homes he <br />saw built about 1948 and they are still nice homes. <br />Mr. Rehbein explained the high cost of homes is due to sub contractors cuts, he will eliminate <br />all subcontractors, there is no waste, no stealing off of the property and no weather problems. <br />Mr. Reinert asked the cost per sq. ft. at the present time if you were to ask a contractor to <br />build a home for you. Mr. Shearen said about $60.00 including the lot. Mr. Rehbein said <br />
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