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12/01/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
12/01/1976 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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- Page Two - December 1, 1976 <br />Mr. Locher discussed the changes he had made in Ordinance #66. He had reworded <br />the Ordinance to avoid the necessity of publishing the soils map. However, <br />Mr. Locher felt that a hearing must be held before this ordinance is adopted. <br />Under 66.4, Subd. C, Mr. Reinert questioned the requirement of a professional <br />engineer to perform the perk tests. He thought the possibility of a soils <br />expert or someone expert in the knowledge of soils would be more capable of <br />performing this test.. <br />Mr. Starr suggested a list of local people who could be recommended to the <br />home builder. There was discussion on the need to develop a form for these <br />permits. This is required under 66.6 and 6.5 of Ordinance #66, the proposed <br />ordinance. <br />The new regulations being developed by the PCA was discussed. Since these are <br />just in the draft stage, it was decided to support Ordinance #53 now on the <br />books until the new regulations are adopted. <br />The set back in the business area as set forth in Ordinance #56 was discussed. <br />These figures need to be clarified. Also, the cul-de-sac requirements. The <br />Board had discussed this at a previous meeting and asked that the 75' require- <br />meht be at the building setback, in a residential. In the rural service area <br />the frontage must be 150' at the building setback line and the building must <br />be 30' from the right-of-way line. <br />Mr. Gourley reported on the investigation he had done on the requirement of <br />building permits for farm buildings. According to the State Law, there is no <br />requirement for building permits for farm building. However, the City can <br />require a land use permit. There was discussion on this matter with no decision <br />being reached. Mr. Kelling moved to continue issuing building permits or land <br />use permits and ask the Attorney to come up with a solution to this problem, <br />with the fees to be set by Council Resolution. Seconded by Mr. Reinert. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Under Ordinance 56, Subd. 3.02, change '5' acres to'10' acres. This refers to <br />acreage required for qualifying as a farm. Mr. Nadeau moved to have the <br />Attorney chebk and confirm this with the State, and make recommendations as to <br />the acreage needed for farm definition. Seconded by Mr. Hill. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />The soils map was discussed. Someone asked where this would be kept and Mr. <br />Short said in the City offices. All building permit applications will have to <br />be checked against this map. The Clerk was asked if she could read this map <br />and said, with a little practice, Yes. Mr. Short will mount these six small <br />map to form the City. <br />Mr. Short reminded this Board that an extension of time to complete this work <br />will be needed. Mr. Starr was questioned as to when this letter should be <br />written. <br />Mr. Starr felt the extension should be requested before December 31, 1976. He <br />felt that very good progress had been made and felt there would be no problem <br />in obtaining an extension. He said what has been done will fullfill the <br />requirement for an interium CSP and will allow hook ups to the interceptor. He <br />suggested three to four months for completing this work. <br />Mr. Starr said the letter should be written to Mr. Boland stating what has <br />
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