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10/13/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
10/13/1976 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:44:03 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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l <br />A special meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order at 7:35 P.M. by Chairman Gourley on October 13, 1976. Members <br />present; Hill, Kelling, Shearen, Karth. Absent; Reinert. Mr. Bill Short <br />Planner, and Mr. McLean', Council liaison, were also present. Mr. Nadeau <br />and Mr. Gotwald had called to say they would be late. <br />October 13, 1976 <br />Mr. Gourley turned the meeting over to Mr. Short. Mr. Short had prepared <br />sheets on the soil types located within the bouldaries of the City. Each <br />member received a copy of this preparation. This list also cited the pro- <br />blems indicitative of each soil type. <br />At the last meeting a sample ordinance on soil restrictions had been copied <br />for the members. This Ordinance was discussed with suggested changes and <br />deletions to make it functional for this City. <br />Mr. Nadeau arrived. <br />Mr. Hill asked the difference between very severe soils and severe soils? <br />Mr. Short said the depth to the water table is the determining factor. <br />Mr. McLean asked who made the decision as to the classification of these <br />soils and Mr. Shoz't said the Engineer would make the classification and be <br />reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board year by year. <br />Mr. Hill asked if there was any way to determine the water table? Mr. Kelling' <br />said the water table doesn't change - the water level changes in relationship <br />to the rain fall but the normal water table remains the same. <br />Mr. Short was questioned on the procedure for permits in the very severe <br />soils areas. He said the first step would be to check the map, then appear <br />before the Planning and Zoning Board. The developers would have to provide <br />information to prove the area could be developed. <br />Mr. Shearen asked if the severe and very severe fall under the same rules <br />and regulations and Mr. Short said, No, this method would apply only to the <br />very severe. <br />There was discussion as to how this could be handled and who would be respon- <br />sible for the decisions. Mr. Kelling suggested an enforcement as to the type <br />of home to be built by the building inspector; a suggestion of warning the <br />prospective builder of potential problems; A suggestion of a stamp on the <br />building permit warning of the potential problems. The general consensus,of <br />the Board members was a forewarning on the severe soils with a warning stamp <br />on the building permit. <br />Some areas of the ordinance were deleted. Mr. Short will contact the Clerk <br />before the next meeting in order to get this ordinance in order and give the <br />Attorney a chance to study before the next special meeting on October 27, 1976. <br />The Attorney is to be asked to attend that meeting. <br />The next area for discussion was the denisity in the rural. Mr. Short had <br />computed to total acreage in the rural areas. After going over the figures, <br />the Board agreed on a figure of 1 unit per each 2 acres with the minimum <br />lot size to be one acre. <br />Mr. Short asked Mr. Kelling which sections are under the Green Acre law. <br />After this acreage is computed it will be deducted from the area that can <br />
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