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09/29/1976 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
09/29/1976 P&Z Minutes
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9/29/2017 3:43:03 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Meeting Type
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September 29, 1976 <br />The special meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board was called to order at <br />8:30 P.M. on September 29,1976 by Chairman Gourley. Members present; Hill, <br />Nadeau, Reinert. Absent; Kelling Karth, Shearen. Mr. Gotwlad and Mr. Short <br />were present, also Mr. McLean, Council liaison. <br />Mr. Gourley said there were two persons present asking for information: These <br />people had called and he had given them permission to appear at this hearing. <br />Mr. Chollett is asking for permission to park a mobile on property on Pine Street <br />while constructing a new home. After some discussion, the general consensus was <br />that a building permit should be obtained first and appear at the regular <br />meeting scheduled for October 20, 1976. <br />Mr. Harold Hansen had asked for some time to present a preliminary sketch of a <br />proposed plat along Otter Lake. He asked for direction as to where to go from <br />this point. Mr. Gourley gave Mr. Hansen a copy of the Ordinance with the <br />necessary actions needed for a prelimanary plat marked in red. Mr. Hansen <br />thanked the Board and said he would attempt to get the necessary information to <br />the Clerk in time for the October 20, 1976 meeting. <br />It would seem that Mr. Hansen has one of the lake shore lots sold. It was <br />suggested splitting this lot out of the plat and applying for a variance to sell <br />that particular lot. He was reminded that lots must have a front footage of <br />150 feet. <br />Mr. Gotwald had prepared a City map with the suggested urban service lines marked <br />in as directed at the last Board meeting. In the urban service area #l, there <br />is 928 acres - 275 platted acres and 653 unplatted with 362 lots. <br />The areas included in this service arear'was discussed as was the areas that <br />would be excluded 'i.e. the school preperty, the MMTC, Sunrise Park, and the low <br />lands that are undevelopable. <br />Mr. Hill moved to accept the Urban Service District Map for Area #1as presented <br />by Mr. Gotwald. Seconded by Mr. Nadeau. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Short presented the acreage included in the determination of the Urban <br />Service area and his recommendation was the Planning and Zoning Board should <br />consider 10,190 acres as potential developable area. <br />Mr. Short had sketched an overlay for the soils map showing the severe and very <br />severe soils in the City. He pointed out the problem areas and noted these <br />areas had been removed from the acreage. <br />Mr. Hill moved to accept the soils overlay map as a �-1 for platting and <br />developing. <br />Mr. Reinert akked why the severe soils should be considered and Mr. Short said <br />in order to know where problems could be anticipated and also the lines on the <br />overlay are not that definite. <br />Mr. Hill amended his motion to included both the severe and very severe soils. <br />Seconded by Mr, Nadeau. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. McLean asked, if when these maps are finalized and approved,will they be <br />put in bound form and Mr. Short said, Yes. <br />
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