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03/17/1975 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/17/1975 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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MARCH 17, 1975 <br />-2- <br />1. Welts wit! continue to be tested for contamination <br />as stated in our Ordinance. <br />2. Parc tests will continue to be required to determine <br />the type of wells and septic systems to be put in <br />according to our existing Ordinance No. 53 : 'Both <br />points one and two confrom to the State Plumbing <br />Code adopted by the City in 1969. <br />3. The City will continue to Leave the matter of solving <br />the pollution problems, If any, to the County <br />Health inspector with the full co-operation of this <br />City. <br />Mr. Nadeau asked if Mr. Keiling would include. in his motion that the <br />Council will continue to consult with our technical staff on ail matters. <br />Mr. Keiiino agreed --o add this to his motion. Mr. Shearan seconded the <br />motion. Maation carried. <br />Tha next item for discussion was a Special Use Permit request from <br />_ihor:as Slth, 874 Oak Lane. He wants to continue operating an auio <br />body s.,o as he has since 1969 without a permit. Mr. Smith was concerned <br />they +ir. -, had been complaints made against his operations. <br />Mr. Karth :,old him i itint the letter was prompted by an ad that ran in one <br />of the t& al papers. No-one had complained against him. The city or- <br />dincnce s`'-ates that all business? outside of the commercial zone must <br />have a s c s i a i use permit or be granted a re -zoning. <br />Mr. Smit said that when the house and pole building were built in 1969 <br />the building inspector va:., aware of what he was going to use the pole <br />buildi^o ;or and that the building inspector never said anything to him <br />about pial use permit being required. He said if they had to shut <br />cowl; their ?art -time cperF,tions it would be a considerable hardship for <br />his family. Mr. Smith assured the Board that he does not intend to go <br />into this cosiness on a full time basis - he said that he only spends <br />or 4 hog;'s a -4a/ c,r -Flo cars and that he never sets junk cars sit on <br />his p rcpe i y .. :!e has thom towed away i mmed i ate l y . <br />Prr,L .; l kad M,'. Smith if he did any painting in his business aid if <br />so is thsrc proper ventilation for this operation? <br />Mr. Smith said, yes, the large window at the rear of the building is <br />ventsd with a fan '.or that purpose. <br />
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