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January 15, 1975 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order at 8:30 P.M. by Chairman Karth. Members present: Ketiing, <br />L Allier, Shearen. Members absent: Hill, Nadeau and Lombardi. Also <br />present was Councilman Marler. k\ <br />The meeting was called to order # hour fate becasue there was not a ' { <br />quorum until 8:30. The Clerk was asked why there had not been an <br />agenda mailed to all members before the meeting and she said that <br />she had forgotten about it until this afternoon. She was remind <br />that an agenda is supposed to be in th hands of the members at least <br />ten days prior to the meetings and tructed to eke sure tha1h'- <br />there Vrat.thet •a. teoccurance of th i <br />Mr. Kelling moved to accept the minutes of the December 18, 1974 meeting <br />as written. THe motion was seconded by Mr. L'Allier. Motion carried. <br />The first order of business was the final plat hearing on the Whispering <br />Pines Plat being proposed by Mr. Charles Nelson. The hearing on the <br />Whispering Pines Plat was called to order at 8:32 P.M. by Chairman <br />Karth. Mr. Nelson was representated by his attorney, Mr. Neill <br />J. O'Neill. <br />Mr. O'Neill asked for a brief summary of what has taken pla-ce in <br />order to bring him up to date on the Council's previous actions on <br />Whispering Pines. It was explained to him that the matter had been <br />recommend to the Council for acceptance as a Preliminary Plat and that the <br />Council had authotifed.the legal Oublicat oe.of the final piat before <br />approval was to be voted on. The final Plat was published on January <br />9, 1975 in the Forest Lake Times. <br />Mr. O'Neill was also advised that Mr. Nelson had adjusted his plat to <br />meet with the requirements of the Metropolitan Council, the Rice Creek <br />Watershed District and the City Engineer's and Planner's recommendations. <br />Tonight's meeting on the final plat was to hear any opposition from re- <br />sidents or approval. <br />Mr. O'Neill then went to the questions that Mr. Nelson needed clarified <br />for his records: 1. He is asking to pay the 10% cash <br />parcels of $220 each time a lot is sold, which would total the $2,200 do- <br />nation that is required when all lots are sold. Mr. O'Neill stated that <br />Mr. N-elson did not feel that it would be feasible for him to pay the <br />entire amount at one time. <br />Mr. Ketling stated that since this was to be a cash donation, he could <br />foresee no objections end he made a motion to recommend to the Council <br />that Mr. Nelson be allowed to pay $220 each time a lot is sold for a <br />total of $2,200. Mr. Shearen seconded the motion. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Nelson's second questions deals with the bonding for the roads. <br />Mr. O'Neill asked the purpose os this bond and what type of bond does <br />it have to be. _. <br />