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07/17/1974 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
07/17/1974 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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73 <br />July 17, 1974 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called <br />to order by Chairman Karth at 8:15 P.M. on July 17, 1974. Members present: <br />Kelling, Nadeau, Hill. Absent; L'Allier, Shearen, Rothbauer. Mr. Marier <br />and Mr. Locher were also present. Minutes were taken by Mrs. Zelinka. <br />Th.e minutes of the June 195 1974.meeting werY approved as wrftten. <br />Ir.'"" .-?:: eF Prokop reviewedi s{ s rqquest of June 19 for a rood with the <br />ri crs;; and submitted a supplementary letter to answer some .f the pre- <br />vious "unanswered" questions. The question of the road width was discurse?< <br />Mr. rrokcp and Mr. Reiling preferred to keep the width at 32' but they d:'•_ <br />not feel that such things as curbing as called for in the Ordinance was <br />necessary at this time. Mr. Prokop asked the Board if, based or t=e info-,- <br />maticn before them, they could recommend to the Council appro.• of this? <br />variance. <br />Mr. Steve Junkis, another property owner, presented a map showing his fron..- <br />age on this street. He stated he was in favor of having the street put <br />He plans to build in that area some time next year. He owns ten acres ar41 <br />must have this street for access to his property.. <br />Mr. LaBuda questioned the fact that this would only give a 60' frontage to <br />this property and the Ordinance requires 150'. Mr. Junkis said this would <br />only serve as a driveway to give him access to his property, since he plans <br />to build on 21 acres. <br />Mr. Marier asked if these men understood who would pay for this improved <br />street. Both men knew that all costs would be assessed against the abutting <br />property. Mr. Prokop noted that the original petition had only listed two <br />property owners, there are now three. <br />Mr. LaBuda said that he had just purchased more property from Mr. Reiling, <br />and would have to pay the majority of this cost, therefore he is not in <br />favor of this street going through. <br />Mr. Junkis restated that whatever was necessary to get the street improved <br />in order for him to obtain a building permit, he was willing to do. <br />Mr. Marier wanted these men to understand what the costs are going to be, <br />what has to be done according to the Ordinance and that these rules must <br />be followed. <br />Mr. Prokop asked if it wciuld make any difference if they had the road put <br />in by a private contractor. <br />Mr. Marier said it makes no difference who installs the street as long as <br />City Ordinances are followed. He thought that a private agreement between <br />the property owners as to what percentage each is willing to pay should be <br />arrived. He suggested these men retire to the Conference Room for a private <br />discussion and then come back to the Board. <br />
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