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03/20/1974 P&Z Minutes
Advisory Boards & Commissions
Planning & Zoning Board
03/20/1974 P&Z Minutes
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10/2/2017 3:24:48 PM
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P&Z Minutes
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March 20, 1974 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board <br />was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Karth. Member present; <br />L'Allier, Nadeau, Rothbauer, Shearen. Absent; Hill, Kelling. Mr. <br />Marier was also present. <br />Mr. L'Allier moved to approve the minutes of February 20, 1974 <br />as written. Seconded by Mr. Rothbauer. Motion carried. The minutes <br />of the March 13, 1974 special meeting will be considered at the <br />April meeting since members had not had an opportunity to read these <br />minutes. <br />Mr. Herr presented new drawings for his property layout to be developed <br />at the North end of W. Rondeau Lake Drive. He had been unable to <br />get a clairfication of a road on the North East corner of the property. <br />This would have left two of the 21 acre lots with no entrance. in <br />order to avoid landiocking these two lots, he had combined them with <br />the two lots immediately to the South making two 5 acre tracts. He <br />had put in a 33' road easement along the entire West and North boundaries <br />of the property. <br />Mr. Herr has been in contact with Mr. Locher, Mr. Gotwald, and Mr. <br />Starr in connection with the problem of locating the monument on the <br />Northeast corner of the property. He presented a letter from Mr. <br />Roland Anderson, Anoka County Surveyor, stating that complete survejs <br />for platting is impossible at this time, thus making it impossible <br />for a private land surveyor to prepare a platted subdivision for re- <br />cording. He had suggested as an alternative that this propeety be <br />divided by metes and bounds and that this would be acceptable to the <br />Registrar of Titles Office. There was also a letter from Mr. Ted <br />J. Omdahl, Register of Deeds of Anoka County, stating that conveyances <br />by metes and bourids..descriptions would be accepted by his office. <br />Mr. L'Allier felt that he did not have enough knowledge on this <br />matter to make a decision. He moved to refer this to Mr. Locher, <br />Mr. Gotwald and Mr. Starr, and that this matter be considered at the <br />April 17, 1974 meeting. Seconded by Mr. Shearen. Motion carried. <br />Mr. Herr will get all meterials necessary to the Clerk's office in <br />order for Mr. Locher, Mr. Gotwald and Mr. Starr to have the information <br />in time for a decision at the next Planning and Zoning Board meeting. <br />The Planning and Zoning Board agreed that this is one of the better <br />layouts that had been presented to them and commended Mr. Herr on <br />the presentation. <br />it was suggested that Mr. Gotwald be questioned as to the cost of <br />establishing the North line on the East 40 acres. <br />Mr. Amundsen, the Building Inspector, gave the Clerk the list of signs <br />that do not have permits. The Clerk had writen a letter to be sent <br />
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