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11/21/1973 P&Z Minutes
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Planning & Zoning Board
11/21/1973 P&Z Minutes
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P&Z Minutes
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Nov. 21, 1973 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Planning and Zoning Board was called to order <br />at 8:05 P.'t. by Chairman °IcLean. Members present; Karth, Hill, Kelling. Absent; <br />Shearer, Nadeau, Farrand. Mr. Starr and Mr. Locher were present as was =ir. Marier, <br />liaison to the Council. <br />Mr. Hill moved to approve the minutes of October 17, 1973 as written. Seconded by Mr. <br />':arth. 'lotion carried. <br />The rezoning hearing for 'ir. Richard Walbon was called to order at 8:15 P. M. Mr. <br />'ZcLeen read the published hearing notice. Mr. Locher read the affadavit of mailing <br />to adjoining property owners. This was given to the Clerk for filing. <br />'tr. McLean read the recommendations of Mr. Starr. Mr. Starr recommended approval of <br />rezoning with consideration of requiring appropriate screening if the develop- <br />n.,.",g is such as to detract from adjoining properties. <br />"r. 'McLean asked if there was any one present who had any objections to this rezoning. <br />'tr. John Driscoll stated that this property is directly in back of his lot and he <br />-:ould prefer the land left as it is. It's a nice quill area and he is apprenhensive <br />f the noise and dust that would be created by Mr. Walbon's use of this land. <br />'Ir. Walbon explained that the front of the land would be for the use of erecting a <br />shop and office - the rear would be used for the parking of heavy equipment. The <br />front of the building would be paved for parking of employees but the rear would be <br />covered with a dust free crushed rock. Itr. Walbon stated that the rear of the lot <br />would probably be fenced. This would serve as a screening and also for security. <br />Mr. Hill asked Mr. Walbon what kind of heavy equipment? Mr. Walbon replied that it <br />was the normal type of construction and excavating equipment. He added that some of <br />the equipment is out for months at a time. It is not an operation where the equipment <br />is brought back in to the lot each night and taken out again in the morning. He said <br />the hours would be the regular day time working hours. There would be no moving of <br />equipment at night. <br />Mr. :Hill asked how many units there would be? Mr. Walbon answered between 24 and 36 <br />of different kinds. <br />Y. Driscoll was asked the depth of his lot and he said it is 600 feet deep and his <br />r- n?s2 is about 200 feet from the street. Ir. Driscoll asked if there would be any <br />loth r stored at this location. <br />'1.c,. Walbon said a minimal amount of lumber would be stored at this location and this <br />;,rr-'ild have to be protected. Mrs. Driscoll was concerned that the storage of lumber <br />and related materials would attract rodents. <br />:�.7.7arth moved to recommend to the Council approval of the rezoning request from <br />residential to general business with proper screening such as a cyclone fence, slatted <br />and at least 6 feet in height across the back line, all lumber and other related <br />wa.terials to stored off the ground avoiding the attracting of rodents, the rear area <br />c� be covered with a dust free material. Seconded by 'ir. Hill. notion carried. <br />
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