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CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />RESOLUTION NO. 17-94 <br />APPROVING ISSUANCE OF AN <br />OFF -SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR AND TOBACCO LICENSE TO <br />LIQUOR BARREL <br />WHEREAS, Clayton Gratz has submitted an application for an off -sale intoxicating <br />liquor and tobacco license at 7997 Lake Drive in Lino Lakes; and <br />WHEREAS, city staff has reviewed said application and determined that the request <br />meets the requirements of the City Code and Minnesota State Statutes for the type of <br />licenses requested; and <br />WHEREAS, the Public Safety Department of the City of Lino Lakes has conducted an <br />investigation of the applicant, and; <br />WHEREAS, the applicant has provided proof of insurance as required and has paid the <br />necessary fees; and <br />WHEREAS, the Alcohol & Gambling Enforcement Division requires the application be <br />approved by the City of Lino Lakes City Council before submitting for approval to the <br />Liquor Control Board and will receive final approval upon completion of their inspection; <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that The City Council of The City of Lino <br />Lakes hereby approves an off -sale intoxicating liquor and tobacco license for Liquor <br />Barrel subject to compliance to all the provisions and conditions of the laws of the city, <br />state and federal government. <br />Adopted by the Council of the City of Lino Lakes this 11`x' day of September, 2017. <br />The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Council <br />member Kusterman and was duly seconded by Council Member Manthey and <br />upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: <br />Kusterman, Manthey, Maher, Rafferty, t <br />The following voted against same: <br />none <br />Jeff Reine , 1. yor <br />ATTEST: <br />