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Resolution No. 10-01 EDA
City Council
Economic Development Authority (EDA)
Resolution No. 10-01 EDA
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Last modified
10/9/2017 1:17:38 PM
Creation date
10/6/2017 1:34:34 PM
EDA Document Type
EDA Resolution
Meeting Date
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Approving a First Amendment to Contract for Private Development and Subordination Agreement Between the Lino Lakes Economic Development Authority and Lino Lakes Housing Limited Partnership
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LINO LAKES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY <br />RESOLUTION NO. 10-01 <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING A FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT FOR <br />PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT AND SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN THE LINO LAKES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY <br />AND LINO LAKES HOUSING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP <br />BE IT RESOLVED By the Board of Commissioners ("Board") of the Lino Lakes Economic <br />Development Authority ("Authority") as follows: <br />Section 1. Recitals. <br />1.01. The Authority administers Development District No. 1 (the "Project)" and Tax <br />Increment Financing District No. 1-5 (the "TIF District") pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections <br />469.124 to 469.134 ("Development District Act") and Sections 469.174 to 469.179 (the "TIF Act"). <br />1.02. The Authority and Cottage Homesteads of Willow Ponds (the "Original Developer") <br />entered into a into a Contract for Private Development dated October 3, 1995 (the "Contract"), <br />under which the Authority provided certain tax increment assistance to help develop a 48 -unit <br />housing facility known as the Cottage Homestead of Willow Ponds (the "Project"). <br />1.03. Lino Lakes Housing Limited Partnership (the "Developer") proposes to acquire the <br />Project from the Original Developer, and in connection with that acquisition is obtaining a loan (the <br />"HUD Loan") insured by the Federal Housing Administration, a division of the United Stated <br />Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD"). <br />1.04. HUD has required that the Authority subordinate its rights under the Contract and <br />related agreements, and to have end has requested that the Authority enter into a First Amendment <br />to Contract for Private Development and Subordination Agreement between the Authority and <br />Developer (the "First Amendment"). <br />1.05. The Board has reviewed the First Amendment and determined that it is in the best <br />interests of the Authority to approve the same. <br />Section 2. Authority Approval; Further Proceedings. <br />2.01. The First Amendment as presented to the Board is hereby in all respects approved, <br />subject to modifications that do not alter the substance of the transaction and that are approved by <br />the President and Acting Executive Director, provided that execution of the documents by such <br />officials shall be conclusive evidence of approval. <br />2.02. The President and Acting Executive Director are hereby authorized to execute on <br />behalf of the Authority the First Amendment and any documents referenced therein requiring <br />execution by the Authority, and to carry out, on behalf of the Authority its obligations thereunder. <br />370939v1 SJB LN I40-25 <br />
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