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11-06-2017 Council Work Session Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
11-06-2017 Council Work Session Minutes
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10/15/2021 12:44:26 PM
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12/13/2017 3:11:17 PM
City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION <br />APPROVED <br />November 6, 2017 <br />1 CITY "r LINO LAKES <br />2 MINUTES <br />3 <br />4 DATE November 6, 2017 <br />5 TIME STARTED 6:00 p.m. <br />6 TIME ENDED 10*45 p.m. <br />7 MEMBERS PRESENT Council Member Kusterman, Maher, <br />8 Rafferty, Manthey and Mayor Reinert <br />9 MEMBERS ABSENT None <br />10 <br />11 <br />12 Staff members present: City Administrator Jeff Karlson; Public Services Director Rick <br />13 DeGardner; Community Development Director Michael Grochala; Public Safety Director <br />14 John Swenson; City Planner Katie Larsen; City Engineer Diane Hankee; Finance Director <br />15 Sarah Cotton <br />16 <br />17 1. Air Park Hanger Access — Mayor Reinert explained that he added this item to the <br />18 agenda. The City includes an air park that is somewhat unique in nature. Historically <br />19 there has been some tension with things that residents there need relative to living at and <br />20 using an airpark and the city regulations. He wonders if it's time to look at the city's <br />21 ordinances as they function for the situation or if special consideration is needed for a <br />22 unique neighborhood. <br />23 <br />24 Community Development Director Grochala said he understands that the current issue is <br />25 access to hangars. He explained that there are actually two components to the airpark, <br />26 platted at different times and with different types of access to the runway. The question <br />27 of vehicle access and the number of driveways allowed arises occasionally also and some <br />28 time comes into conflict with the zoning ordinance. There is also a five foot setback <br />29 requirement that comes up. Also there can be some maximum impervious surface <br />30 coverage conflicts. The mayor pointed out that there have been some changes in surface <br />31 requirements included in recent comprehensive plan updates and he is recommending that <br />32 they may have been too aggressive and should be amended in the next update (he'd like <br />33 to discuss that at the December work session). Mr. Grochala also mentioned that paving <br />34 type has been an issue. Basically, the properties on the east side of the development <br />35 don't experience the issues. There have also been some drainage and utility issues. <br />36 Council Member Maher asked how many lots have run afoul of the city's zoning code <br />37 and Mr. Grochala noted four properties and suggested there could be some additional <br />38 driveway situations. He added that out of the forty some lots, he suspects there could be <br />39 ten with various issues. When Council Member Maher asked what is sought to be <br />40 accomplished on the situation at this time, Mayor Reinert responded that the development <br />41 agreement includes a provision for "reasonable" access to the hangar; in most cases he <br />42 feels that should be achievable without too much difficulty. Mayor Reinert understands <br />43 that staff is doing their job in enforcing the code but with the assumption of reasonable <br />44 access in that agreement, maybe the city has to have a reasonable approach to <br />45 accommodate. He is interested in hearing from the area residents. <br />1 <br />
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