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03-05-2018 Council Work Session Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-05-2018 Council Work Session Minutes
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10/15/2021 12:48:12 PM
Creation date
3/30/2018 2:30:17 PM
City Council
Council Document Type
Council Packet
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION <br />APPROVED <br />46 forward for council review. <br />47 <br />48 Ms. Lindahl pointed out on a map the mixed use that was included in the last update and <br />49 those that would be new in the proposed plan (a map comparison from 2030 Plan and <br />50 2040 proposed plan was included). She also pointed out that, in her experience, <br />51 developers don't actually prefer a mixed use scenario (they want the quickest path to <br />52 approval and that designation doesn't necessarily provide that). <br />53 <br />54 Council Member Rafferty asked about the request that's been received on the Waldoch <br />55 property. Mr. Grochala responded that the request relates to moving up in staging. <br />56 <br />57 Ms. Lindahl then reviewed how staff proposes that the 2040 Comp Plan update is <br />58 scheduled to move forward to the implementation stage. Staff is requesting now that they <br />59 get confirmation of the ten existing mixed use guided areas and the two new proposed <br />60 mixed use areas. <br />61 <br />62 Mayor Reinert said he'd like to eliminate mixed use and discuss a more specific <br />63 designation. He doesn't like to see questions marks on the map to avoid future surprises <br />64 for the council and residents. <br />65 <br />66 Community Development Director Grochala noted the table included in the land use plan; <br />67 for each mixed use area, there is identification and further specifics, including a vision for <br />68 each of the areas. <br />69 <br />70 Council Member Manthey suggested that he has a similar concern about what could <br />71 occur. For instance what about acreage that remains after development of a portion of a <br />72 mixed use area — what could happen there? He asked if the city will meet its density <br />73 requirements for the Met Council if changes are made in the Plan now. <br />74 <br />75 Director Grochala noted the figure of 3-5 units per acre and that he always keeps that as <br />76 low as possible. Also noted is that density is calculated only on areas with sewer. <br />77 <br />78 The mayor asked if the City will have to go higher density because of what exists now. <br />79 Ms. Lindahl explained that current low density (that isn't changing) doesn't have to <br />80 count. The density calculation is based on moving forward. <br />81 <br />82 Mayor Reinert said he's asked for information and wants to use that for further study. <br />83 His gut tells him the plan is moving toward more density and he doesn't approve. <br />84 <br />85 Council Member Stoesz asked if the City can change designations in the future or add a <br />86 new designation based on their decision at that time. Director Grochala explained how <br />87 zoning can be changed by ordinance, including by creating a mixed use based on the <br />88 specifics of the site. The comp plan is intended only to guide. <br />89 <br />90 Mayor Reinert said he isn't comfortable with 650 acres being a free for all. Director <br />2 <br />
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