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06-04-2018 Council Work Session Minutes
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City Council Meeting Minutes
06-04-2018 Council Work Session Minutes
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6/29/2018 3:49:10 PM
City Council
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Council Minutes
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Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION June 4, 2018 <br />APPROVED <br />45 wonders, if that weren't available to energy companies, the impact it could have on their <br />46 development plans. Ms. Lindahl said her knowledge is exclusive to the fact that Xcel is <br />47 required to have solar. <br />48 <br />49 Mayor Reinert said he'd like to see the numbers; statistics about Minnesota solar <br />50 community gardens (energy produced year around, economics on how the money flows <br />51 and what kickbacks are involved). The council can educate and then decide if they want <br />52 to see the topic again. <br />53 <br />54 A representative of applicant, Lino Lakes Solar LLC, explained that the Minnesota <br />55 Legislature has provided this program so that people can use solar even if they don't have <br />56 a home that facilitates it. These farms are developed by a third party but will be owned <br />57 by the subscribers. The energy is eventually purchased from the subscriber by Xcel at a <br />58 bonus to the subscriber. The "kick -back" is renewable energy credits that the energy <br />59 company is required to maintain. He explained the amount of energy generally produced <br />60 by the facilities over a period of twenty years after which time the farm is removed. <br />61 Some communities require a bond to ensure the funds will be there for demolition at the <br />62 end. <br />63 <br />64 Council Member Rafferty asked the developer if there is a specific location in mind. The <br />65 representative pointed out on a map the area of Lake Amelia and Molitor Drive. <br />66 <br />67 Mayor Reinert said he is requesting additional information. He added that one question <br />68 in his mind is locking up developable land. <br />69 <br />70 Council Member Stoesz asked if individual solar panel units are allowed under city code. <br />71 Ms. Lindahl said that is allowed today. Ms. Lindahl added that she will work with the <br />72 applicant and get together as much additional information as possible. <br />73 <br />74 Council Member Manthey added that he'd like more information on how communities <br />75 have reacted and have been impacted by this type of development. The developer <br />76 explained that he is heavily involved in this process as far as attending and participating <br />77 in government as they consider and plan for this type of activity and he has seen that <br />78 government restrictions and involvement are across the board; he would be happy to work <br />79 with Ms. Lindahl on best practices in that area. <br />80 <br />81 Council Member Rafferty asked for locations of other facilities. <br />82 2. Comprehensive Plan Update —Community Development Director Grochala <br />83 reviewed his written report. He noted the April Open House and comments and <br />84 suggestions received. Input was generally positive. There were certain specific requests <br />85 (Noren and Lundgren family) that that will be individually evaluated. Mr. Grochala <br />86 added that the city has been officially granted an extension for submission to the <br />87 Metropolitan Council and he reviewed the proposed schedule going forward (as included <br />88 in the staff report). Staff will return at the July work session. The Mayor indicated that <br />2 <br />
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