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THE VILI AGE OF LIRA LASS <br />ORDINANCE late( <br />An ordinance licensing and regulating the retai sale of <br />cigarettes and cigarette wrappers. <br />The Village Council of the tillage of Lino Lakes do <br />as follows: <br />Section 1, License Required. After December 31, 1955, no <br />person shall directly or indirectly or by means of any device keep <br />for retail sale, sell at retail, or otherwise dispose of any cigarette <br />or cigarette wrapper at, any place in the Village of Lino Lakes unless <br />a license therefor shall first have been obtained as provided in this <br />ordinance. <br />$ecti n 2. Application mud Iasu nce. App3.icatien for such <br />license shall be made to the village clerk on a form supplied by the <br />village. Such application shall state the full name and address of the <br />applicant, the location of the building and the part intended to be <br />used by the applicant under such license, the kind of business conducted <br />at ,; leeatiens, and such ether information as shall bs required by <br />the application form. Upon the fling of such application with the <br />clerk, it shall be presented to the village council fer its consideration„ <br />and if grated by the council, a license shall be issued by the village <br />clerk upon payment of the required fee. <br />Section 3. License Fee. The fee for every such license shall <br />be $12.00 per annum. Every such license shall expire on December 31 <br />next after its issuance. For any license issued after January 31 in <br />any year, the fee shall be computed at the rate of $1.00 for each month <br />or fractional part of a month covered by the license. Licenses shall <br />not be transferable from one person to another. <br />Section 4, License Shall be Displayed, Every such license <br />shall be kept conspicuously posted about the place for which the license <br />7e exhibited to any per di 'Oft 1.40 <br />Section 5. Restrictions. No license shall be issued except <br />to a person of good moral character. No license shall be issued to <br />an applicant for the sale of cigarettes at any place other than his <br />established place of business. No license shall be issued for the <br />