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1956-016 Council Ordinances
City Council
City Council Ordinances
1956-016 Council Ordinances
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9/24/2019 10:54:18 AM
Creation date
3/15/2019 1:11:07 PM
City Council
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Council Meeting Type
Ordinance #
Ordinance Title
Licensing and Regulating the Keeper of Dogs
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ORDINANCE N0. 16. <br />THE VILLAGE OF LINO LAKES <br />AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGULATING THE KEEPING OF DOGS. <br />The Council of the Village of Lino Lakes, Minnesota does ordain as follows: <br />SECTION 1. Running at large prohibited - no dog shall be permitted to run <br />at large within the limits of this Village. <br />SECTION 2. DOGS ON LEASH - The restriction imposed -by Section 1 shalt not <br />prohibit the appearance of any dog upon the streets or public property when t <br />the dog is under the immediate control of the person chrged with its care. <br />"E.CTION 3. LICENSE REQUIRED - No person shall keep any dog within the Village <br />without securing a incense therefore from the Clerk who shalt keep a record <br />of ail licenses issued and shall issue a metal tag for eachlicense. The <br />annual license fee shall be $1.00 for each male dog or spayed female dog and <br />$2.00 for each uespayed female dog. Licenses shall expire on the 1st day <br />f April next following their issuance. <br />SECTION 4. IMPOUNDING - Every police officer shall pmpound any dog found un- <br />!icensed-or running at large and shall give notice of the impounding to <br />t:sF. owner of such dog if known. In case the owner is unknown, such officer <br />shall post notice at Louis' Place, Highway No. 49 and County Line "J", <br />that if the dog is not claimed within four (4) days of the posteing of the <br />notice, it will be disposed of . If such dog is not claimed within the <br />t me specified and all fees and charges paid, the chief of police of those <br />directed by him, shalt dispose of such dog unless it is requested by a licensed <br />educational or scientific institution under Minnesota Statues, Section 35.71. <br />The chief of police or his subordinates shah cause any dog impounded to be., <br />housed and fed in ahumane manner,. An impounding fee of $3.00 and a charge <br />of $.75 per day for feeding shall be charged for any dog impounded. <br />SECTION 5. PENALTY Any person keeping a dog without a license or allowing <br />a dog under his control to run at large shall be guilty of a misdemeanor <br />and upon convtttion thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than <br />:oo.00 or by Imprisonment of not more than ninety (90) days. <br />'.:.ssed by the Council this 27th day of February, 1956. <br />/s/ Arnold Kelting, Mayor <br />ATTEST: <br />-carry Proulx, Clerk <br />194 <br />
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