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-2- <br />the vi I lage of Centerville or any contract hereafter entered <br />into and substitution for said existing contracts, whether the <br />same be with the village of Lexington, the village of Center- <br />ville or another municipality. Any said sum due from property <br />owners in said village shall be due and payable thirty (30) <br />days after notice thereof specifying the amount chargeable, <br />which notice is to be given in writing by the Vi Ilage Clerk. <br />SECTION 3. IN the event that the village council shot <br />determine that property in the vicinty of the fire has beer <br />protected or saved from damage by the Lexington or Centervi I!e <br />fire departments or by both, the vi 1 Iage counci I may al locate <br />such portion of the cost of the service charge made by the <br />vi I !age of Lexington , the vi i l age of Centervi Ile, or both, <br />for such fire cal I, tc benefited property in the vicinity of <br />t'ie fire on such basis as it shall deem fair and just; and <br />the owner of owners of such property shall he obligated to <br />reimburse the vi 1 l age of Lino Lakes for such sums as the <br />vi ! Iage counci I sisal I al locate to such ben:,,,ted property, <br />same to be payable as prescirbed in Sectio-i 2 hereof. <br />SECT!Cly 4•, This c~uinance shall tcke efroct and <br />i'is pubi cation. <br />AdoptuJ by the village cc,.,lcf i of the Vi liege of Lino Lekcs, <br />si n nesota this 27th ciF,y t.ugust, 1956. <br />/s/ Arnold K. I i ng, Mayor <br />P'TTEST. <br />Harry kr'ou ix, Clerk <br />