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1957-020 Council Ordinances
City Council
City Council Ordinances
1957-020 Council Ordinances
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Last modified
9/24/2019 10:55:11 AM
Creation date
3/15/2019 1:24:11 PM
City Council
Council Document Type
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Ordinance #
Ordinance Title
Establishing Rules Governing Conduct and Procedure of the Village Council of Lino Lakes
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RULE 5. The presiding officer shall preserve order and <br />decouum and shal I decide questions of order subject to an anneal <br />to the counci I. The presiding officer may make motions, second <br />motions or speak on any question provided, however, that in order - <br />to do so, upon demand of any one council member, he shall vacate <br />the chair and designate a trustee to preside temnorari ly. The <br />mayor shall be entitled to vote like other members. of the council. <br />RULE 6. Every member, previous to his speaking, shall <br />address the chairman and shall not proceed unti I he has been <br />recognized by the chair. He shall indulge in no personalities, <br />and shall confine his remarks to the matter under debate. <br />RULE 7. No member shall speak more than twice on any <br />question, nor more than five minutes each time without unanimous <br />consent of the counci I. <br />RULE 8. A member called to order shall immediately suspend <br />his remarks unti I the point of order is decided by the chair. <br />RULE 9. Every motion except to adjourn, postpone, reconi der, <br />commit, lay on the table, or for the previous question, shall be <br />reduced to writing if the chair or any member requires it; when <br />made and seconded, it shall be stated be the chairman of amendment, <br />or any disposition thereof has been made, or a vote taken thereon. <br />RULE 10. All resolution shall be in writing. <br />RULE II. When a question is under debate no motion shall <br />be entertained, unless to adjourn, to lay on the table, to <br />act on the previous question, to nostoone, to commit, or to <br />amend, which several motions shy,! I "..eve precedence in the order <br />in which they are named, In d the first three shall be decided <br />without debate. <br />RULE 12. Any question shall be divided at the request of <br />any member when the same will admit thereof. <br />RULE 13. When a question is put by the chair, every member <br />present shall vote unless for special reasons the council shall <br />excuse him; but if interested he shall not vote. In doubtful <br />cases the chair may direct, or any member call for a division. <br />The ye,'as and nays shall be called upon a requisition of the <br />chair or any member, in which case the names of the members <br />voting are required to be recorded in the minutes. <br />RULE 14. All questions shall be put in the order in which <br />they are moved, except in case thf privileged questions. <br />
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