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ORDINANCE NUMBER 21 <br />THE VILLAGE OF LINO LAKES <br />AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR THE SUBDIVISION AND <br />PLATTING OF LAND WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF LINO LAKES, MINNESOTA. <br />The Village Council of the Village of Lino Lakes, Minnesota, Ordains: <br />SECTION I. PURPOSE AND JURISDICTION. <br />The Village Council of the Village of Lino Lakes being aware of the <br />responsibility which they have for the adoption of ordinances, rules <br />and regulations designed for the protection of health, safety and <br />general welfare of this community, deems it necessary to provide <br />regulations for platting and subdividing of property within the <br />Village of Lino Lakes which will prevent, as far as possible, the <br />use of land which is not feasible for this purpose, the location Of <br />streets where such location does not fit the overall pattern of the <br />Village, the general design of the proposed building lots in any <br />platted area which might prevent compliance with the building code, <br />zoning ordinance or other regulations of the Village in the future, <br />and to make all subdivisions of property conform as nearly as poss- <br />ible with a future overall plan, does hereby order that all subdi- <br />visions hereafter planned within the limits of the Village, of Lino <br />Lakes shall, in all respects, fully comply with the regulations <br />hereinafter set forth. This action is taken by the Village Council <br />pursuant to the authority contained in Minnesota Statutes, Section <br />412.221, as amended, which regulations the Village Council deems <br />necessary. <br />SECTION II. DEFINITIONS. <br />For the purpose of this ordinance, certain words and terms are <br />hereby defined as follows: <br />Subdivision or Plat is a parcel of land divided into smaller <br />parts such as blocks or lots, also means a tract of land which is <br />redivided anew after first division. <br />Right-of-way is the land covered by a public road or other <br />land dedicated for public use or for certain private use such as <br />land over which a power line passes. <br />Boundary Lines are lines indicating the bounds or limits of <br />any tract or parcel of land. <br />Topography is the detailed description of the features of a <br />relatively small area, also the relief features or surface con- <br />figuration of an area. <br />Contour Map a map on which irregularities of land surface <br />are shown by lines connecting points of equal elevations. Contour <br />interval is the vertical height between contour lines. <br />Building Line also referred to as setback line means the line <br />beyond which property owners or others have no legal or vested <br />