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reasonable hours to all of the Grantee's plans, contracts, engineering <br />records, accounts, financial statements, customer and ervice records. <br />SECTION 6. The Grantee, its leasees, successors, and assigns, <br />shall not issue any capital stock on account of the franchise hereby <br />granted for the value thereof, and shall have no rights to rueive, upon <br />condemnation proceedings brought by the Village to acquire the public <br />utility using this franchise, any return of this franchise or its value. <br />In the event that the Village of Lino Lakes determines that it wishes to <br />enter into the municipal gas operation itself, then upon written notice <br />it shall have the right to purchase all of the gas installations of the <br />Grantee within the Village corporate limits, for the actual cost of con- <br />struction including 'Morata share of financing and administrating such <br />copt, ?e,;s de cci_2-:.1::-_i. (For the purpose of calculating depreciation <br />cats res27.ves, _ a Grantee shall classify its property in conformity_ <br />sy . :i of accounts for gas utilities heretofore adopted <br />by the 'iat_ion- yss,,.:1.ation of Railway 1�1,.1 Utility Commissioners and <br />depr9.c=.-.:ior_ i ropriate and app = _:ble s'aall conform to those <br />e :abi.f t.11ed by i..austry.) In case :; purchase by the Villa;;- of <br />L _::o Lees, t: raarcee agrees that it will cooperate in doing whatever <br />is necessary assist the Village of Lino Lakes in obtaining a gas <br />qo.o a from ti_:- Federal Power Commission. <br />It sha1. be a co~idit__ln of each contract entered into by t.s Grantee <br />wi_ n ref venc_+ o c,,l—ations under this franchise that it hall be sub-:ec <br />tc :he -xercie , of i.t.�: option to purchase by Lino Lakes a._d that Lino <br />L. 3 may be _L 3tittted for the Grantee as a party to and such contract <br />aid may succeed ro a?_1 the privileges and obligations thereof. <br />S' _ION . No _.ale, and/or assignment cf this franchise shall be <br />erect' until the page Council of tha Village of Linc Lakes shall <br />have aY, :-oved game, s :.d until the vendee Jr =:.ssignee shali have filed <br />i.:. the .; ,'fice ;f th: page Clerk of said Village, an ins. -: rument duly <br />ex`cutc:f. roc:_ ing fact of sale and/or ass::nment ther._of, accepting <br />the ze::t: of Ls t:, achise and agreeing to peform all the conditions <br />thereat; prov_;.ad however, -that such approval shall bot be unreasonably <br />withhe_-'. by said Village Council, <br />S:l;:'•ZION 8 The Grantee, its leasees, successors and assigns sha '. <br />indemniy, kee?, and hold the Village free ant harmless frn liability <br />on account of injury cr damage to persons or „-:operty gro„ out of <br />the con3:ructi.a, maintenance or operation of :�.ts property, and in the <br />eyent that suit: shall be brought against the Village, either indepen- <br />dently cr jointly with the Grantee, its leasees, successors or assigns, <br />on account thereof, the Grantee, its leasees, successors and assigns, <br />upon nc:jce to it by the Village shall defend the Village in any suit <br />at the c;st cf .he Grantee, its leasees, successors or assigns; and in. <br />t . eve •. of 6 anal judgment being obtair.ed against the \.._llage, eit` e r <br />indeper.,�ntly jointly with the Grantee, its leasees, sc:cessors a... <br />a.;.igns, Grant_ shall pay such judgment with all costs ar. shall hoi_.: <br />t:,e Village hart.iess therefrom. <br />The Grantee, its leasees, successors and assigns shall file with the <br />